
Mandolin string broke so I decided to restring the whole thing.
Put medium gauge strings on, which is ok for playing tunes, but chords is hard. I have a set of light gauge strings, but the mediums have to wear out first.
If I'd done it the other way I'd never have put the medium ones on.
Sounds amazing though. Really loud, bright tone.
Dog not impressed.

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Thing with mandolins is strings being doubled up to make more noise, you need reasonable finger strength.

I can't do the speed or the bending I do on the electric guitar.

But the tuning in 5ths is really interesting, particularly when you realise this turns the chords upside down, which is weird but brilliant at the same time.

I have a side project to restring a short scale guitar in 5ths with a drone string or two, but haven't yet done much about it.

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