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For those of you who have a high-volume input channel and, recently, software offering to summarize it with AI… Do you summarize much/at all?

[Maybe boost for reach, really interested in the result here.]


@stephanetremblay @CatHerder @Remittancegirl @nullagent if those Black kids had rifles and waved BLM banners my money is on the cops chasing them off and/or arresting them. Most police organizations seem to be more interested in protecting rights that uphold white supremacy versus challenging it

Well, rebuilt my RUby Gem Werds in Elixir, and this time put some comments and tests in. In the process realised the code I wrote originally wasn't the best.

Still got some bureaucracy around putting it as a library, which I will do when creating juices are running low.

Next plan is a Phoenix app to put the library to use helping people with word puzzles.

DHH is an absolute Musk Cuck (I won't even link his awful blog post) - he lives in a completely different reality

I live in a 20 zone

It's also a little misty (but still 20 metres viz or so)

So why are clowns driving at 40 without even their side lights on?

When did thinking become such a scarce commodity?

In other tech news I just started using the Zen browser and also replaced iTerm with Ghostty

I've been re-lerning Elixir/Phoenix because I want to create a small personal project and Rails is far too heavy for small things.

Bluesky: we’re decentralized!

Also Bluesky: if our one and only mod team doesn’t like your content, the entire social network won’t see it
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Well TIL that South Road can sometimes have black ice. I moved off the pavement to let another dog owner get past and went flying. Flying Fish in Birkenhead!

I'm fine, barked my knuckles a tiny bit and slight bruise on my elbow. People were so nice and helpful.

I’ve just noticed something really odd.

The Apple weather app on my phone reports temperatures that are about 2°C lower than the Met Office app. The Met seems to be the most accurate. The Apple app is really good at predicting when it’s gonna rain in the next hour or so.

Why there is temperature difference is a bit of a weird one, and I can’t find an explanation for it.

My child has established “stay whimsical, silly geese” as a gender-neutral way to depart from a group and I have secured their consent to steal it and make it available to anyone else who finds it useful

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Green Plenty

This is the companion community to the Green Plenty substack