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It is extremely frustrating to me that people use the insult 'carrot top' to describe people with red hair because carrot tops are green thank you for listening and another thing red hair is rarely actually red also red onions are clearly purple who is naming all this stuff.....



Subject: word games and oppression

'It's not fair"
"Life isn't fair"

"Black lives matter"
"All lives matter"

"Women are exploited and marginalized"
'Men get discriminated against too"

"I'm scared to go on the school bus"
"Your sister never had any problems with it"


If the fascist version of cognitive dissonance is ignoring reality so that you can justify and enact authoritarian measures, the anarchist version is ignoring reality so you can skip from step one to done.

The people that think collaboration can't happen remotely are also the ones who only get their ideas implemented by being loudly wrong and basically a bully. They need face to face interaction because how else will they float around, sprinkling their bad ideas, and pushing for features that both no one asked for and don't meet user's needs.

Police told Winstanley he is not under arrest, but they’re confiscating his devices on the off-chance they can find evidence.

Rather than condemn all atrocities and seek justice for the victims, governments try to pretend the atrocities of their allies are acceptable. Only enemy atrocities are "real" atrocities. It spits in the face of the victims and of humanity everywhere.



Well, if you needed further proof that Labour have been nobbled by big business, looks like Keir Starmer is going to require the Competition & Market Authority to soften its approach while he tries to 'rip out bureaucracy' to stop it 'stifling' investment in the UK....

The CMA actually needs to be strengthened to reduce the rampant oligarchy across so many UK economic sectors, not have its wings clipped (further).

This is a major mistake!

#economics #regulation #business

h/t FT

Clare Barclay (CEO, Microsoft UK) has been appointed to chair the UK's new Industrial Strategy Advisory Council.

So, Starmer is trying to clip the wings of the CMA (see earlier post) & is putting the local CEO of a well known past monopolist in charge of recommendations around industrial strategy...

seeing a pattern?

Labour seems to think the future is a further compounding of the UK's oligopolistic economy.... Its not worked in the past so i why would it will now!

h/t FT



Posted by a gentleman I follow, and I have added alt-text to it, for the benefit of those who might want to boost it. And for the benefit of those who cannot see the picture, of course!

If you ever doubt that billionaires are completely alien compared to the other 99.9999% of us, remember that out of the ~400 tech billionaires out there, not a single one has stepped up with their pocket change to make a life-changing donation to the Internet Archive or the now defunct Living Computers Museum.

Out of 400 supposed techies, not a single one has an interest in data preservation or retro computing??

Clearly they have no passion for technology (if anything) beyond a means of further wealth accumulation, having more in common with the dragons of yore, sitting upon a hoard of gold and demanding further human sacrifice while giving nothing in return.

I don’t use P&O ferries in the same way I don’t buy my kids school shoes from Clarkes.

Companies that use fire and rehire policies to reduce wage costs absolutely should be targeted by a Labour government. Befriending them for investment and then crossing your fingers to hope they respect your new rules looks naive at best and like you’re no better than the duplicitous Tories at worst.

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