I've just been listening to the Guerrilla History podcast about Workers Movements in the Global South

It's an interview with Professor Immanuel Ness about his book plutobooks.com/9780745.../orga

You know all that stuff about how AI will replace us all, and there will be no jobs? How there's some Paul Masonite tech utopia where everything is automated?

It's a load of crap.



Over a billion people work in factories, more than ever have, some for as little as 10 cents an hour. The working class in the global South are effectively subsidising the one in the North. They are subject to the most vicious exploitation. It's not to say there isn't horrible poverty in the North, but the whole story these AI/Automation freaks use is based on a parochial view from the global North and taking the world has a whole it's junk.

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