This rebuilding falling down schools and hospitals. It's a few tens of millions? 50? Sound like a lot.

But then 32bn on track and trace?
The millions that was wasted on PPE that ended up buying yachts and planes?
The billion they found to bribe the DUP?

It's peanuts, in fact.

Same with the strikes, paying people properly etc. etc. far more has been spent thwarting unions than it would have cost to meet their demands in full.

What's bankrupt is the right wing ideology.

@francis Don’t think Labour will as they are subject to the same but every time a Tory is interviewed it should be brought up that there is always money, it’s all political and ideological choices and it’s insulting the electorate to pretend otherwise.


@bobthomson70 Even their own advisors have told them to ditch their "fiscal rules" - which are made up anyway.

It gives them an excuse to do nothing though. Unless we can get a very loud movement demanding things get better they will sit on their hands.

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