Looking for work so just spent a few hours on LinkedIn. Wish I hadn't deleted my profile because too many people were ringing me some years ago.

Putting all my jobs back in is so tedious. I have a memory of loading a CV straight in years ago but that seems to have gone by the wayside.

That's the problem with getting ancient, there's just a lot of stuff.

@francis Do you really need to? I did but that was a long time ago and my CV now only has details for the last 5 year of my 30 in IT.

@francis surely if that's more than 5 years ago folks won't much pay attention? Like, for me the last 5 years if all GCP, I don't think anyone would consider me for a Solaris admin job even if I applied for one since it's been so long now.

@francis I totally get it, it's a whole different ball game doing your CV and chasing work after 30 years in the job than it was when you were chasing 2 years of experience eh? Good luck with the job hunt and happy share your posts on Linkedin if it helps your networking.

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