There is nothing inscribed upon the fabric of reality which says nations can't simply coexist peacefully and collaborate toward the common good of all beings, can't turn away from our primitive impulses of domination and control, can't do anything but drift passively toward nuclear annihilation all because a few imperialists in Washington convinced everyone to buy in.

@francis @snipe So making sure that Ukraine gets all the support to repel this invasion, right?


@skolima @snipe

I can only speak for myself. Peace talks need to happen without the warmongers interfering. And then the pathological liars need to tell the truth for once. It's a tall order.

US and EU quite happy to spend Ukrainian lives. More weapons not the answer, if that's what you mean by support. We need to get off the escalator that ends with nuclear war.

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@francis @snipe You do realise that when one of your neighbours is violently attacking another one, by not interfering you are taking the side of the attacker, right?

@skolima @snipe

When he was VP Biden spent $5bn to overthrow the government there - or did you forget that?

There was no need for any of it, but it suited the warmongers. The "good guys" hands are covered in Ukrainian blood and were before the invasion started.

@francis @skolima @snipe That post is revisionist bullshit and absolutely ignores the economic reality in Ukraine. It’s telling how’s there are absolutely no numbers in there at all

Also, Russia fell into NATO’s trap? Are you kidding? Putin has been building up justification to annex all of Ukraine for YEARS.

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