There is nothing inscribed upon the fabric of reality which says nations can't simply coexist peacefully and collaborate toward the common good of all beings, can't turn away from our primitive impulses of domination and control, can't do anything but drift passively toward nuclear annihilation all because a few imperialists in Washington convinced everyone to buy in.

@francis Nice, quoting one of the most notorious tankies around. Powerful countries invading weaker ones is ALWAYS wrong.

The US was wrong in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, Russia is wrong to invade Ukraine both in 2014 and last year (despite signing two treaties saying it wouldn’t), and China would be wrong to invade Taiwan.

If it’s OK for Russia and China to do it, why is it bad for the US?

@dssstrkl You win the whuddabout me love imperialism award for today, go with pride back to your bunker. Who needs lighting when they glow in the dark?

The source of most destruction and rapine in the world should not be immune from criticism, been at war since it was founded, been robbing and enslaving poorer peoples and countries just as long.

Tankie is a word that indicates you aren't very good at critical thinking, btw.

@francis Typical tankie response with nothing of substance.

I didn’t say you can’t criticize the US, I said wars of aggression are always wrong. If it was bad for the US to invade Afghanistan, was it also bad when the USSR did? (Hint: yes)
You’re the one siding with the authoritarians threatening to use nukes.

The US has a fucked up, bloody history, for sure, and the WoT cost it a lot or moral authority, but that hardly gives Russia and China carte blanche to invade their neighbors


Socialists are anti-war, and it doesn't matter who the warmonger is. I didn't give Russia and China carte blanche either! Neither does Caitlin.

But you seemed to think I did.

US has no moral authority, it's an armed colonial white supremacist multinational gang. None of them do.

Tankie is just a lazy term which means you can't actually make an argument. I try to be non-sectarian and talk to and understand everybody without straw-manning their arguments.

Explain then your end game to this war that doesn’t involve sacrificing Ukraine (& Moldova, the Baltics, etc) to Putin’s stated desire to reform the USSR, regardless of what the people in all of the former SSRs think about it

Same for China and Taiwan

Pacifism does not preclude fighting in self-defense when you’re attacked, nor asking your allies for help

You still haven’t articulated what the US is doing wrong, other than ‘US bad, always wrong’ while accusing me of being lazy


I'm just some guy.

Why the fuck would I presume to have an end game? I'm not that arrogant. The people that live there need to sort it out without a bunch of entitled pricks in white hats telling them what to do. It's not a cowboy movie.

The USSR is long gone. If Putin wants to reform the old empire that's a different question. Russia is capitalism red in tooth and claw - very different beast.

Russia is an imperialist country doing imperialist things. Including extending empire.

@francis The Ukrainians are begging the US and EU to send more weapons. They’re still asking for more modern tanks and F-16s. For ATACMS artillery. They seem to be pretty clear that they want Russia out of Ukraine, including the Donbass and Crimea
I call you a tankie because you want to take their agency away from them because US ALWAYS BAD



Biden bought their agency in 2014

Zelensky is bought and paid for, has smashed trade unions, and got into bed with fascism and is in the pockets of big money. It was never on the plan to implement the Minsk accords even though that's what he ran on to get elected.

US imperialism never wants anything good for anyone else. It isn't in its nature. There are no good guys. Just a struggle for dominance and who gets to keep everything. It's not hard to understand.

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