Parties with a plan to fix things do not resort to this behaviour, but this is all the Labour right knows how to do. Tories might say dreadful things about their opponents, but when do they launch co-ordinated campaigns against individuals like the Labour right?

@francis All the time. Remember Miliband's dad? Or the judges and enemies of the people? Or the Beergate fiasco by Daily Mail lasting for 10 days. Or the name calling of Starmer.
Against that, Labour are simply pointing out that you need to look at what CONs do (or omit to do) and not their lies.


@AgainstLies I disagree. These crappy ads look like US campaign lies and come from the belief that using money alone can win elections. Just cos the tories make a fetish of intellectual and moral dishonesty doesn’t mean you have to join in. But if you’ve lost your mass base then this kind of idiot hit politics is all that’s left.

@francis The point of Labour attack ads is look at what #RichSunak does and tolerates, not what he says. It is not the quality of the suit but the quality of the man.

If you want to support CONs then embrace them, but don’t cry when #KeirStarmer points out how bad they are.



Are you serious?

Making spurious allegations when there's a long list of corruption and venality, particularly over Covid and the NHS privatisation, he could have been railing them over for years?

Given his record over Saville he should be keeping quiet about paedo stuff, in my opinion.

Of course, being in bed with NHS privatisers might make fighting with them a bit difficult.

It stinks of desperation and cognitive dissonance on a grand scale. But that's centrism for ya.


I thought he was far too nice to people he should have attacked mercilessly.

Never been that fond of Labour tbh, but I thought maybe things might get better, in my heart I knew it was going to go the way it did. I am sad I wasn't disappointed.

Watching the Al Jazeera documentaries was unsurprising - I remember the 80s.

I did knock on doors in the election because I am a socialist. Now we don't have that option.

The lesser of 2 evils is still evil.

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