
I was listening to a very interesting analysis of people voting to reduce harm, in the USA known as "vote blue, no matter who".

The political establishment know they've got the more radical voters in the bag and don't need to actually DO anything to keep them on side. This means they're gonna go for the middle class swing voters that might vote for the other elderly nincompoop.


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If the least harm people are in charge it also takes the wind out of the sails for the ones who are willing to go to battle, "ooh look, our guy's in charge".

Welp, he's not "our" guy and doesn't have to even pretend to listen to us because of voting to reduce harm means he has no need to court us.

Have you got it yet?


Unless they're scared of us they will give us nothing, and it doesn't matter which colour you pick.

It's the same here in GB. Build and fight as best you can, no-one is coming to save you.


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