
Hi folks

I want to create a publicly visible calendar for activists in my area

Can't find something lightweight and suitable because there's a whole pile of solutions.

Has anyone got something to recommend? I'm happy installing software and running stuff on a server. Just too many choices and a lack of bandwidth to go through them.


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Temporarily went with tockify

Which does the job for now. I like the look of mobilize though. Just running on too few brain cells at the moment.


Hmm £8 per month when the freebie period is over

I might just go with it for a while

@francis Happy to spin up another Mobilizon if you want to give that a go.


That would be marvellous.

My machine has versions of things that are too old and it runs everything so I'm loathe to update it without a lot of prep.

I will DM later, have a domain and everything, just no time or brain.

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