
I moved from Substack to Ghost, which was fine

I have some long articles and think it would be good to add a table of contents.

Edit the layout to add it in

In order to have a custom layout I need to move from the small tier ($9mo) to the medium tier ($25/mo)

I can't justify that, I don't have enough subscribers. I don't want to install Ghost on my own machine - pain in the ass.

Can't I just pay an extra couple of bucks?


And there's no-one to email, of course.

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0
@francis That's quite the jump in price! I'd suggest moving to something like Hugo but then you'd have to handle the money yourself and I'm pretty sure that's a nightmare trauma.

@zimpenfish rubbish

They automatically mark the headings so you can insert hash links. By hand.

@zimpenfish all my stuff is written in Obsidian using markdown so I can probably write a little code, but even so.

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