To those who see greed as _the_ problem:
Like other evolved human traits that cause problems, we're stuck with the inclination, but we can manage it.
Smallish groups can manage it, eg, by ostracising gluttons & teaching chn to control it in the interests of belonging.
Very large groups need govts to share that job of fostering our best qualities & discouraging the worst.
Neoliberal govts do the opposite.
We keep voting for them against our best interests.
@DrALJONES to be fair, the only choice allowed us is different wings of the neoliberal establishment. Debate is also on this left/right divide where choices about people’s actual needs don’t figure and apathy wins.
@DrALJONES in the current climate? Have you seen or heard anything that makes those things more likely? Apathy serves managed democracy well.
I wasn't talking about "likely". I've found that many Americans don't even acknowledge existing avenues for (future) improvement.