Parties with a plan to fix things do not resort to this behaviour, but this is all the Labour right knows how to do. Tories might say dreadful things about their opponents, but when do they launch co-ordinated campaigns against individuals like the Labour right?

@francis The person who drove "the character assassination of Jeremy Corbyn" was Jeremy Corbyn himself, through 40 years of his own words, associations and actions.

@francis At the end of the article, it says:

"If you look at the character assassination of Jeremy Corbyn, for example, that was driven almost entirely by the Labour right. They did the Tories’ work for them. They literally got themselves into this position by being Tory enablers and now they’re here, they don’t know what to do, so they’re trying the same trick again."

This is the part I'm criticising.

Corbyn was not "character assassinated". Almost all that was reported about him was true.

@francis So yes, the thrust of the article was the adverts, but this needless aside detracts from the point and reduces its credibility.

@francis Do you believe that nothing that was reported about him was true?


Compared with Johnson and Johnson's cronies the man is a saint. For example Johnson is a nasty racist and anti semite and the tory party is dodgy as hell in general.

Which party was attacked and had things made up about it?

Which party now has a hierarchy of racism and has done nothing about it?

@francis So you're saying no? You don't believe anything that was reported about him was true?

@hughster very little - but also how relevant is the truth or otherwise in the face of the Tory lie machine? They would have made toe fungus into a diplomatic incident. Why are you getting worked up about this?

@francis "Getting worked up"? I asked you a question and you didn't seem to want to answer it.

Here is a list of facts reported about Corbyn limited to antisemitism (before we get into questions about the IRA and so forth). All of these are true and verifiable, neither fabricated nor even exaggerated. I can substantiate each and every one, should you want me to.

This has nothing to do with "the Tory lie machine". This is stuff Corbyn did, himself, that they only had to accurately report.

@francis Again, you're not actually engaging with any of the points. Feel free to pick one! There are 51 to choose from.

Simon Maginn is an antisemite, by the way, as is Chris Williamson (plus who knows how many others I haven't counted yet):


I can't see the point in continuing

People saying things you don't agree with doesn't make them anti semitic. It kind of proves their point, tbh.

You have to prove your position and repeating the words of bad actors doesn't prove anything.

@francis Are you telling me that "the Jewish community…defends the slaughter of children" and "Iranian demonstrations…[are] a Mossad/Soros plot" are not antisemitic?

@hughster Are you telling me that you believe a life long peace campaigner would endorse such crap?

But yanno - are you defending the horror that's happening in Israel right now? The beatings at the mosque, shooting kids in the head (again) etc. etc. etc.?

@hughster Plus at least 4 of those 50 points are addressed by Maginn's videos. Which you won't watch or engage with, I assume.

@francis Once again, you're not answering my question, I suspect because you know it's bad.

The guy whose videos you've just linked me to, presumably to "debunk" the evidence I showed you, is himself an antisemite. Among other things, he's said things like "the Jewish community…defends the slaughter of children".

Why would you try to debunk evidence of antisemitism by linking to an antisemite's videos?

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