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@skry I wouldn’t hang them. Use their fortunes to move people off polluted land and make the execs live there with their families and clean it up. With toothbrushes.

Podur makes an interesting point. Israel has mobilised everyone and smashed everything. After the continuous destruction Palestinians can’t be threatened into silence any more so they will fight. They’ve been lied to so many times that they will keep fighting. Israel is losing. But the price the Palestinians are paying, terrible.

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Doesn’t address dirty supply chains though. So destructive practices to get raw materials aren’t addressed. Typical window dressing.

One word 743


This is great but can we please also have Fedora (& Ubuntu, etc.) acknowledge they started shipping operating systems without a functional screen reader when they switched to Wayland and that that’s still the case?

This is not to name and shame. Unless we acknowledge this as an error on par with shipping without monitor support and unless the culture is altered to make accessibility a showstopper, it’ll happen again.

#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource

Just posted this on Xhitter:

I've seen a lot of people supporting the genocide here ... I sincerely hope you eventually regain your empathy, and until that day, the children you're ignoring haunt you in your sleep.

Mozilla has updated Firefox to have some new data collection silliness. It seems OK, but if like me, you're skeptic, chose the hamburger menu, go to settings, type "firefox da" and the setting will pop up. Uncheck stuff and you're good to go.

#Mozilla #firefox #privacy

A brand new Oxford University analysis has debunked #NHS privatisation.

Oxford researchers looked at studies of healthcare #privatisation and found they agreed on one thing: privatisation leads to poorer quality care for patients.

#SaveOurNHS #WeOwnIt #healthcare #OurNHS #PrivatisationFails #PeopleNotProfits #CorporateTerrorism #video #research #hospital

Make a point

Goal posts moved

Make another point

Goal posts moved again

Rando interrupts convo with picture of fat Palestinian and says where's the famine - call them a child, original poster gets all shirty

Wuddabout October

Wuddabout the previous 70 odd years

Waste of time

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Today’s lesson is - do not argue with zionist trolls on Twitter, rather like the saying about wresting with a pig - you get frustrated and the pig enjoys it too much.

There is hope.

“… after over forty years of neoliberal mismanagement, concluding with the austerity, social decay, and political crises of the last decade or so, the country is in need of radical modernisation, not a moderate clinging to established structures and habits. In short, we cannot simply put the grown-ups (whoever they may be) back in charge and return to a centrist Eden.”

@CrimethInc see also

The countries supplying France’s nuclear industry themselves rely on power from their neighbours.

Since 1853, France has been occupying the islands of New Caledonia against the wishes of the Indigenous Kanak people. In the 1870s, the French government exiled the anarchist Louise Michel and many other participants in the Paris Commune uprising there.

In 1878, the Kanaks revolted against French oppression. Ataï, one of the leaders of the revolt, achieved several victories against the occupiers. After he was finally betrayed, the French colonizers cut off his head and brought it back to Paris. They refused to return it until 2014.

Today, colonialism continues in New Caledonia. The French government has just sent 1200 more police officers there from Paris to suppress the latest uprising.

Like Louise Michel, we support Indigenous struggles against colonialism. Get France out of New Caledonia.

Both Labour & the Tories are focussing on the Financial Conduct Authority & its regulatory remit/practice as being a key impediment to economic growth in the UK.

This requires one to believe a less regulated financial services sector would deliver investment & revive areas of economic activity across the country.

But, this reflects the City of London's propaganda that they are key to the UK economic well-being... very little about the history of financialisation suggests that's true!


The business sector has woken up to the fact that the Tories various policies to wreck the university sector is actually bad for business;

a group of international firms have written to Rise Sunak warning that further curtailing student visas & the resulting (deepening) funding crisis for universities will reduce inwards investment.

The problem is the economic madness of wrecking higher education has been clear for ages; the Tories just don't care about the economics

#universities #investment

@ChrisMayLA6 I think there will be less performative cruelty and more lips service to workers’ rights. But more austerity and slow violence will happen. Knowing what’s best for the ignorant poor has always been in their DNA.

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