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@Npars01 @rbreich Obligatory reminder: the Koch fortune was built on the murder of the Osage people of Oklahoma.

According to my watch I’ve just walked 9.6 K delivering Green Party election leaflets. Now the dog wants a walk. My feet.



I think I'll share this Musk video again. The early days of Paypal where they just kept small organisations money when things got tight. It's very hard to find on Google, I think someone did a cleanse of the information, but here you are.



The public thinks climate change is just everything getting slightly hotter. But it's not.
It's war.
It's fascism.
It's famine.
It's a lack of clean drinking water.
It's forced displacement.
It's pestilence.
It's wet bulb events that will kill tens of thousands in a single day.
In essence, it's a complete collapse of the biosphere with resulting societal collapse.



Does anyone have an alternative to Eventbrite? Hanging on to our money for weeks is causing cash flow problems and I’m tired of them.

It's what Bernard Woolley from “Yes, Minister” would have called 'one of those English irregular verbs’.

"The billionaire CEO has an ‘unusual' or ‘boundary-blurring' relationship with the female employees; YOU must complete a mandated sexual harassment refresher course; Bob from Accounting has been escorted out of the building.”


Lynn Conway, computer hardware pioneer (and genius) has passed away. None of her obits do justice to her accomplishments, so here's wikipedia:

She pioneered asyncronous execution, VLSI circuit design, and practically the whole modern field of chip design.

She was also a trans woman who -- having been unfairly terminated by IBM -- never stopped fighting for the rights of trans people.

Rest in power, Lynn.

Slipped up on one word 769


Tricky today 768


#UKpolitics #Sunak 's #Gender

What the hell is he on about...
While the country is looted bare, he goes on about this [relatively] non-issue.
Or at least it should be a non-issue. Who cares about the gender chosen by somebody else ?
Hasn't he got something better to talk about, saving starving people for instance.
But look at the proud adoring female faces... It scores !

"UK's Sunak on Gender: 'A Man Is a Man and a Woman Is a Woman'" [ < 1 min]
by BloombergQuicktakes


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