ANALYSIS: The NHS has lost £10 million-a-week to private profits since 2012
Return to form #CellTower 773
#CellTower 772
I think I'll share this Musk video again. The early days of Paypal where they just kept small organisations money when things got tight. It's very hard to find on Google, I think someone did a cleanse of the information, but here you are.
New Green Plenty post:
Finding the Sovereign Individual
#CellTower 771
The public thinks climate change is just everything getting slightly hotter. But it's not.
It's war.
It's fascism.
It's famine.
It's a lack of clean drinking water.
It's forced displacement.
It's pestilence.
It's wet bulb events that will kill tens of thousands in a single day.
In essence, it's a complete collapse of the biosphere with resulting societal collapse.
#CellTower 770
It's what Bernard Woolley from “Yes, Minister” would have called 'one of those English irregular verbs’.
"The billionaire CEO has an ‘unusual' or ‘boundary-blurring' relationship with the female employees; YOU must complete a mandated sexual harassment refresher course; Bob from Accounting has been escorted out of the building.”
@Beedazzled Truly, the Tories are a death cult.
Lynn Conway, computer hardware pioneer (and genius) has passed away. None of her obits do justice to her accomplishments, so here's wikipedia:
She pioneered asyncronous execution, VLSI circuit design, and practically the whole modern field of chip design.
She was also a trans woman who -- having been unfairly terminated by IBM -- never stopped fighting for the rights of trans people.
Rest in power, Lynn.
Slipped up on one word #CellTower 769
Tricky today #CellTower 768
What the hell is he on about...
While the country is looted bare, he goes on about this [relatively] non-issue.
Or at least it should be a non-issue. Who cares about the gender chosen by somebody else ?
Hasn't he got something better to talk about, saving starving people for instance.
But look at the proud adoring female faces... It scores !
"UK's Sunak on Gender: 'A Man Is a Man and a Woman Is a Woman'" [ < 1 min]
by BloombergQuicktakes
Francis. Old guy in the corner. Socialist, maybe even a (shock) Marxist. Can't stop writing. Musician. Coder for over 30 years.