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Child poverty is caused by a lack of money. Only more money for those in poverty can solve it. By setting up a task force on child poverty, Labour is enabling its perpetuation by avoiding the need to take action now. History will remember it for doing so.

Journalists: ‘The protection of our confidential sources is a sacred principle for which we are prepared to defy authority’

Sun Journalists: ‘Bollocks to that. We breached the confidentiality of a Zoom call planning a climate protest, recorded it,and handed the recording to the police like good agents of the state.’

In 2023, Google and Microsoft each consumed 24 TWh of electricity, surpassing the consumption of over 100 nations, including places like Iceland, Ghana, and Tunisia, according to an analysis by Michael Thomas.



“It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.”

“In every epoch, the ideas of the ruling class are the ruling ideas.”

“The division of labor, and the consequent division of society into different classes, forms the basis for the political structure of society.”

“The individual himself is the result of the social relationships of the class to which he belongs.”



Political question, do you demand “more civility” before or after you “eradicate the un-human radical left like vermin in a civil war”?



@rbreich if there’s only two main players aren’t prices just about fixed anyway?

TIL that RubyMine has support for http files, that you can type in your HTTP request (or get the super sexy template to fill in).

Then you can just run the file.

Great for testing and documenting APIs.

AFAIK VSCode has plugins for them too.

Saved me a ton of time and I didn't have to install Postman, which is a tool prefer not to use unless we have massive APIs to maintain.

if you have to make your feature opt-out because people wouldn't opt-in then you shouldn't be making that feature



Missed yesterday’s 800



Farage has always got way more coverage than his actual support would merit. Way more TV interviews, way more appearances on Question Time, etm. Never interviewed critically, allowed to shout down opponents, a pound shop Trump.

Why does everyone act all surprised when it finally gets him into parliament?





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