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"Human Rights left unattended may be removed, destroyed, or damaged by the security services."

From birdsite 

RT @silvergoatish
@SaulStaniforth @edwardpoole1975 @AyoCaesar @novaramedia Quite right. He enjoyed a career from making racism count for entertainment value. Here's Sylvia Kristel calling him out for exactly what he is...

From birdsite 

RT @Glenn_Diesen
This is not satire, but an actual article in Hudson Institute. All in defence of the "international rules-based order"

From birdsite 

RT @AyoCaesar
If Keir Starmer cared about racism *at all*, he would not accept a ‘Politician of the Year’ award from The Spectator.

From birdsite 

Well, colour me shocked.

It must be reading all that Peterson melting your brain.
RT @0zne
How it started: How it’s going:

A haiku about being an adult:

I am so tired
Where did all my money go?
My back is hurting

I'm so old I remember that both the US and the UK used to tax very high incomes at 90%. AFTER you made a bunch of money THE REST was taxed a lot. If you make $1 billion you "only" take home $100 million.

How MANY problems do we have now with billionaires screwing up both countries, and the rest of the people struggling?

So don't tell me about solutions until you raise top tax rates back where they should be in a democracy.

The POINT of top tax rates is redistribution.

#tax #taxtherich

“We’re getting on to deliver more growth” says Rishi Sunak at todays #PMQs seemingly oblivious to UK predicted to have the slowest growth of every G20 economy except sanctioned Russia! Watch in disbelief on this link - it was just the start!

I wrote a thing about how Elon has now admitted that the "content moderation council" was always a smokescreen to appeal to advertisers, but he never intended to listen to them.

Also he claims he went back on his promises because activists promised not to try to "kill" twitter if he set up that council, but (he claims) they went back on that deal. Of course, that's all made up in his head, rather than reality.

We are receiving messages of solidarity with Scotland from many places in Europe this is from Hervantajärvi , Finland a bit dark afternoon there but it's very beautiful! Thank you Finnish friends 🇫🇮🇪🇺❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Just gonna post this old article I wrote here, for no reason at all...........

"“Raving Amazons”: Antiblackness and Misogynoir in Social Media."

Trans rights are human rights.

Black lives matter.

No human is illegal.

Love is love.

Their body, their choice.

Science is real.

Kindness is everything.

P.S. If you started following me due to this post, PLEASE look at my profile and decide if it's for you.

Make sure general nerdiness, tabletop roleplay, and other related pursuits are the kind of content you want to see in your timeline.

Our values obviously align, but our interests/hobbies might not. No hard feelings if you unfollow. 😉

From birdsite 

RT @MintPressNews
"I'm proud to be racist..."

This is how black people are treated in Israel.

From birdsite 

RT @jrc1921
This is what they spent years wanting to get back to

Just did some really interesting hooking together with fields changing focus, but it was done using a higher level component that you could register hook into to share across child components.

Once I worked it out, far less code than you'd expect.

Before I worked it out


React is ... interesting

Scottish politics & independence 

While I am disappointed by today's ruling, I am sadly unsurprised.

This was never a voluntary union of nations; it merely projected the veneer of such.

The Union was first formed at the behest of the upper classes for financial gain, not the common people of Scotland.

I deeply hope that we will find a peaceful, legal route to independence soon, so that we can build a fairer country for all.

#ScottishIndependence #ScotPol #UKSC #IndyRef2

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