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From birdsite 

RT @PastorAlexLove
Atheists, if the POWER OF JESUS is not real then please explain this?

From birdsite 

RT @Normanjam671
Somehow I think Billionaire Space Karen's may be a bigger problem myself.

From birdsite 

So the entire place supposedly shutting down so Chuck can wang a crown on his head has nothing to do with vanity? OK
RT @NileGardiner
One of the most striking aspects of the Meghan/Harry Netflix docudrama is the degree to which Harry is really just backup to Meghan's starring role. He is Best Supporting Actor in a Meghan Markle movie. The Netflix drama is primarily a vehicle for Meghan's vanity/self-promotion.

From birdsite 

RT @RedJohnBounds
@Daily_Express Prince Andrew.

From birdsite 

RT @WarmongerHodges
For the same reason Wes and 171 other right-wing Labour MPs deliberately sabotaged Jeremy Corbyn: they're Thatcherites "funded" by multi-millionaires who hate unions.

This is what Corbyn was up against.

We tried to warn you.

Oh the weather outside is fright'nin,
But the workers are all still strike'in,
So take them a cup of tea,
And stop fucking voting Tory.

Oh the fire is rightly raging,
So the picket lines are paging,
Support the workers today,
Better conditions, and better pay!

For those wondering, ′′ how did i do it?":
I Boiled 10l of water, added 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, two cups of coke and half cup of lemon juice then stirred well .
Waited 3 minutes, put the pan in the solution for 45 minutes, then added a quarter cup of chlorine bleach to the mixture.
Then I brushed it with a firm toothbrush and put it back into the liquid for another 25 minutes.
I took it out, rinsed it and it looked exactly the same, so I threw it away and went out and bought a new one.



The modern political trolley problem.


if you're a journalist and you're writing whole-ass articles about fediverse drama

go home
rethink your life

more defederation talk omg 

I've seen so many bad takes lately about how defederation is "overreaction" or "childish" or whatnot

Usually seems to come from the idea that Fedi is "a platform"

and I'm like


No it's not a platform

it's a loose federation of a bunch of small social networks (one per instance), and any "a platform" that you might see is the emergent result of admins doing all the defederation and cleanup work behind the scenes

The problem with Capitalism is at some point you run out of other people.

Big Bang 2.0 

Today Hunt will pat himself vigorously on the back for announcing Kwarteng’s Big Bang 2.0 and he will claim that deregulating the city to allow greater risk-taking and enrichment of bankers is a Brexit bonus.
And the Tory hellcycle of…
Obscene risk-taking triggering financial crash triggering austerity triggering Brexit triggering deregulation to help bankers….
will be complete.
And what’s more they’ll insist it’s what people voted for.
Utter charlatans.

I still see posts with people wanting no politics. So I will leave a reminder:

1. Politics = how we make decisions about living together in society.

2. Not participating in politics = endorsing the status quo.

3. Refusing to participate in politics is a privilege. It is also a decision to abandon those in a more vulnerable position.

You might want to abstain and that's fine.
But someone has to combat injustice, racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBTQ hate.

Missionary work (whether Christian or Muslim) is a form of imperialism.

Just deleted two github repos that were amended copies of stuff I did for a former employer so we could get things working the way we needed them to - I think 1½ years is long enough to hold onto stuff and not be an arse.

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