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The NHS should be properly funded as a public service, it must not become a Tory cash-cow.

Every healthcare story is negative atm.
“Hospice charities providing end-of-life services in partnership with the NHS have warned they will have to shut beds and sack staff because of the catastrophic impact of rising energy bills.”

Jesus F Christ am I sick of inappropriate Captcha boxes appearing when you're already logged in

I mean, WTAF?

1960's Futurists: Automation will free mankind from meaningless tedium to focus on creative pursuits only human beings can master.

2020's Techbros: We're building AI to write all your books, music, and TV so you can focus on the meaningless tedium of your cubicle job.

-Patrick S Tomlinson

From birdsite 

RT @phil_h001
@Haggis_UK They can start by reclaiming some of this back...

From birdsite 

RT @Haggis_UK
Maria Caulfield(Health Minister) - For every 1% increase in pay we have to find £700m, & there's only 3 ways to find that money...borrow or put taxes up...

Niall Paterson - Or not waste £30b on useless PPE

From birdsite 

RT @allankellynet
1 year ago I came off Twitter for Xmas.
It felt good.
I stayed off of completely nearly 3 months.
My mental health is better.
Plus glad I'm disconnected from the right wing cess pit @Twitter is becoming (Thanks Elon)

From birdsite 

RT @BestForBritain
“I feel very, very angry. To say that the Government don't have any money... They poured money into terrible PPE that was given to healthcare workers. Six of my friends passed away and their families are now suffering. They were colleagues of mine as well.” ~AA

Hey, if you're a #nurse and you're on #strike, I love you! Keep fighting! ✊

From birdsite 

This is not a parody

It's a Tory correctly identifying the problem, while taking none of the responsibility, so nothing new there.
RT @johnredwood
When will top NHS managers tell us their plan to recruit and retain enough nurses and doctors? Why have they allowed staff relations to get so low? Why do they depend too much on expensive Agency staff?

From birdsite 

Stop giving Oakeshott and all the other right wing union bashers any oxygen. Don't engage. We know their canned opinions are worthless.

From birdsite 

RT @BeckettUnite
The smear job they are doing on Mick Lynch is the same smear job they did on Jeremy Corbyn.

They’re Corbyning Lynch.

Don’t let them succeed.

From birdsite 

RT @WarmongerHodges
Jeremy Corbyn didn't need it or seek it. It was a spontaneous act generated by a crowd of young people genuinely enthused by a politician for the first time in their lives. Corbyn offered them hope. Starmer offers them more austerity and more of the same neoliberal shit.

From birdsite 

RT @tribunemagazine
'Cost-cutting measures not only undermine workers’ pay and conditions; they put your safety at risk. All this is a slap in the face for a general public already subsidising the bank accounts of the shareholders at rolling stock companies.'

From birdsite 

RT @jilevin
Elon Musk is a billionaire today because of a huge bailout made with your U.S. tax dollars.

From birdsite 

RT @gletherby
If it's not Mick Lynch's fault it's Jeremy Corbyn's fault and if neither of them are to blame it's Meghan & Harry's fault. Got it?

From birdsite 

RT @RedJohnBounds
A brexit government lecturing unions on the damage strikes coat to businesses. Wow.

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