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What kind of hell are we living in when rent goes up 47% in one lease term still ends up being the best "deal" in the area.

The "housing crisis" is a crime against humanity. A crisis for most and record profits for the few.

Stay strong and organize.

#housingcrisis #tenantsunion

RT @David__Osland
So public sector workers will have to provide a minimum standard of service. But landlords will still be able to rent out houses unfit for human habitation. I do have that right, don't I?

There aren't enough teachers.


Describe a math problem in 4 words.


RT @David__Osland
2021: clap the nurses
2022: cut nurses' pay
2023: threaten nurses with the sack

RT @Tpopularfront
I can’t believe people are piling on Jack Monroe yet again.

I don’t care if @BootstrapCook is a millionaire or not. She has done far more than most to highlight food poverty, she got ASDA to resurrect their just essentials range, and her recipes are cheap and delicious.

How many houses do you own? How many bitcoins? You will never be wealthy, never under this system. It is by design. The only way out is by taking back what is stolen from us, the power of our labor and will.

@arclight @bitsavers I'd love to see a book about how MBA ideology took HP from a world-leading engineering firm to little more than a overpriced printer-ink scam.

You shouldn't be afraid of revolution, you should be afraid of the lack of it. How many have lived entire lives of toil while never lifting a finger in revolt against the violent chains which keep them shackled? Most. I think. How many lives have been wasted under the boot of the oppressor? How many millions are going unhoused and unfed while the owning class have so much money they don't know how to spend it?

RT @CarolineLucas
Today marks 1 whole year since Govt set up the ACRS Scheme to resettle Afghan refugees. Yet despite promising 20,000 resettlements, *not a single person* has been brought to the UK under pathway 3 this year. Govt's broken promises are costing lives - they must be held to account


Have you met any kids?

They spend their lives on stuff that isn't "relevant" and have a great time being kids.

Isn't that the point?

The recent push to give careers advice to 5 year olds is a vile idea.

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I have a maths degree
I get tired of the "why not teach something relevant" crowd

Critical thinking is more important, and actually being able to look at figures, know what confidence limits are, and know how stats can be twisted by the unscrupulous would be useful is part of that.

Relevance could be life skills that teach you to literally read between the lines, and maths is right in there, if it was properly taught.

See also bike shedding.

RT @aidThompsin
Yesterday was Maths. Today it’s Harry.

This attempt to distract people from their bills doubling, food bank explosions, the collapse of the NHS & Govt corruption is as depressing as it is predictable.

Banana Republic Britain.

RT @JujuliaGrace
If you think every single MP should be pushing the government into action to save lives in the NHS, RT this please.

I will follow back everyone who RTs this. Time for us to get connected 💙

Sorry about the real-terms pay-cuts everyone, we can't afford to give you any wages because we've raised interest rates which means we have to give all the money to the bankers again.

So it has to be recession and poverty for the lot of you. Sorry.

My advice would be to get a job as a banker. Their bonuses are going to be incredible.


"This is going to have to be resisted on the streets, through campaigns and through industrial action. We can’t do that alone. We need everyone with us."'s Mick Lynch on why we need to defend the right to strike.

RT if you're with him 👊


#ukpol - anti-strike laws 

I reckon if the right to withdraw your labour is removed you have no choice but to immediately resign.

If a nurse is legally required to do nursing, then they should stop being a nurse-slave and become an unemployed-freeman.

Surely the whole of the NHS and all the train staff should just quit entirely, en-mass, if anything like these proposed laws actually pass?

The fact that the press is barely even questioning the legality of these kinds of moves speaks volumes about how captured they have become.

Wonder if it would even matter if it was Journalists that were being turned into slaves legally required to do their job?

They'd be fucked if that happened, none of them seem even remotely *able* to do their job properly. They'd have to all go to jail.

"discipline" is overrated. it's exhausting and unsustainable. what's the alternative?

i wrote about it today:

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