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RT @SteveChappell9
Why should they be dangerous to females anywhere?

The fear is from men pretending to be trans to gain access to women's spaces to harm women not from genuine trans people.

This is a far smaller problem than the danger to women everywhere from men/boys emulating Andrew Tate.

RT @BebsDotter
@HackneyAbbott @fjfish Yes, Starmer is a Tory and he works in collusion with other Tories!

@cstross People forget Starmer is literally a cop (former Director of Public Prosecutions at CPS) so he's got a great career ahead of him as tool of the state

Incidentally, Starmer shows GREAT TALENT for political timing by having come out agin' the Scottish GRC bill *just in time* for the Tories to start using it as a club to attack devolution, thereby demonstrating to all Scottish Labour voters that Starmer—and English Labour—are Not Their Friend. Way to regain seats lost to the SNP over the past 20 years …!

I made a graph of all my past relationships.

It has an ex axis and a why axis.

Memo to the GOP: Please don't tweet about MLK's legacy while advancing policies that make it harder for Black Americans to vote.

Today's threads (a thread)

Inside: 1,000,000 stranded Southwest passengers deserved better from Pete Buttigieg; and more!

Archived at:



RT @Nurseborisbash
Just a reminder that while @SteveBarclay has enjoyed a weekend off, roughly 280 people died waiting for help that either never came, came but was too late or came but was unable to offload to A&E in time.

Approximately 5 people died while he ate his Sunday lunch.

RT @Daniel_Grigg
Have you noticed how "hard choices" always make millionaires richer and services for poor people worse.

@UKLabour @Keir_Starmer

RT @HackneyAbbott
Keir Starmer has joined the right in calling for the “reform” of the NHS. And we all know what that means.

RT @SpillerOfTea
Hello, I am a police officer, highly trained in crime prevention, detection and investigation.

Despite this meticulous level of training, I was totally unaware that my colleagues, The Rapist and The Bastard, who were repeatedly accused of sexual assault, were violent predators.

RT @PeterStefanovi2
Rishi Sunak wants workers sacked if they refuse to comply with minimum service levels during industrial action - that is NOT the case in France, Italy and Spain

"Lützerath is the latest of dozens of villages that have been evicted, inhabitants dispossessed under old Nazi legislation, to facilitate the expansion of lignite coal mines, the dirtiest and most carbon intensive form of electricity generation. This eviction takes place three years after the eviction of the neighbouring Hambacher Forest in 2018, which lasted over four weeks and led to the death of a young film maker. The eviction was stopped by the courts in October 2018, and later declared illegal.

The fight against coal is not over. It’s 11pm, dozens are people have been hospitalised, one person still unconscious. A medic recounts: “What I experienced today was beyond my imagination. I’ve seen every bone in the human body broken today”.

But thousands of people are still there, blockading and occupying space. Tomorrow, more people will once again make their way to the mining area. Lützerath has shown the ecocidal determination of fossil capital and the state, but it has also been a powerful symbol of resistance. Using a diversity of tactics, people from different backgrounds have come to together to show how their determination to fight back is even greater. People will keep resisting in whatever way they can. Join them."

#Lutzerath #RWE #EarthFirst #Ecocide #Coal #Germany

Via @earthfirst

RT @JamesWoodfield

Piggott, another well known public figure who liked his horses and dodged £3m tax, had to do time.
And he didn’t issue threats in an attempt to silence his accusers.

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