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For whom?
RT @johnredwood
It is great we are now free to make our own laws and spend our own money thanks to Brexit. We now need to use those freedoms to make life better.

🔥 IMPORTANT - PhotoID to vote 🔥

We can no longer vote without a PhotoID. Please apply for one as soon as you can, and share the link with your friends, family and colleagues.

It is free and all you need is a selfie and a National Insurance number.

Local elections are on 4th May! Please share and tell others. Do not let them suppress your vote.

#UKPolitics #GTTO #Brexit

£14,900,000,000 was wasted on unused PPE.

This money could've paid for 89,000 extra nurses for 5 years.

Spritely Goblins 0.10 has been released! This is a big release for the project and the first release I was a part of! Developer usability is much improved with better docs and dev tools and network programming via OCapN is even better. Check it out!

RT @PhilipProudfoot
If Starmer gets into power and it turns out the fantasists were right … his entire strategy was to gain power and only then enact massive social-economic reforms, then I will become his most adamant defender and apologise for all my doubt… but I just can’t see it!

RT @simonmaginn
Loving all this centrist angst. 'You're *letting the Tories win!*' they squeal, whilst denying they threw the last two GEs and demanding unquestioning allegiance to the sinister shape-shifting Starmer.
Sorry but if you can't win an election, it's no good blaming me, is it?

RT @PDWriter
@RhodriMWindsor The real Tory-enablers are those in the Labour Party who successfully sabotaged two general elections by working to destroy the party’s democratically elected leader with a campaign of smears and lies. The current disaster is the result.

RT @Normanjam671
Why is the Labour Party agreeing with the Conservative economic consensus that's destroying the country?

Replace with "the Tories", and you get the true picture.
RT @johnredwood
Why did the NHS spend so much of the extra money in the last 3 years on anything but extra hospital beds and medical staff? Why did they spend a lot on putting beds in Nightingale hospitals, only to close them after practically no use?


This is the MP FOR CLEETHORPES He has just voted (again) to extend, for 15years, the dumping of raw sewage 💩💩💩 into our rivers and seas by our greedy Water Companies. So kind & caring of you Martin towards your constituents 🤮🤮🤮


Blue plaques across the country commemorate MP votes that have made sewage dumping legal. Pathetic gaslighting responses suggest they won’t be doing anything to rectify.
But remember, voters have the power to remove those MPs at the next general election, in under two years.

RT @AllyFogg
Went to bed last night aghast at the Guardian/Observer's 'Forget Andrew Tate...' headline & telling myself that it was probably just a really crass & brainless headline and the article couldn't really be *that* bad.

I've looked. It's worse. It's just so screamingly fucking DUMB

RT @MLM_Mayhem
Omg this take down of Baddiel's shitty book is so thorough. But it also raises the question as to why we these garbage books are published in the first place:

RT @FLP_books
"The codification of a revolutionary political line, crystallized through collective militant practice, is more important than what one person thinks." Politics in Command, J. Moufawad-Paul, @MLM_Mayhem

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