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RT @AyoCaesar
What's beautiful about IWD is how it's changed over the decades. It used to be about working women doing things like going on strike (drab, and unchic!), but now you too can have a glossy ✨woman in leadership✨ profile to inspire other girlbosses in their ascent.

RT @DMiliband
This 100m figure is - I would guess - a ref to the UN’s calculation that 100m are fleeing conflict and disaster. But most do not cross a border. 55 million are “internally displaced” - eg Syrians who fled from Aleppo to Idlib. The idea they are all coming to UK is absurd.

Breaking Free of Kindle Unlimited

KU is an author trap. It is a very successful author trap, in part because when you sign up it doesn't look like a trap.

I'm not the first to say this, and I won't be the last. Many indie authors have been realizing they are trapped on KU but don't know how to escape.

The good news: escape is absolutely possible.

The bad news: fast, easy, or painless -- you can't have all three. Often, you can only have one.

#ku #SelfPublishing

I saw someone driving a Tesla today. It must be gutting to have spent all that money on a car only for it to be now perceived by other road users as a kind a 4-wheel toupee.

RT @WelshLa86864840
wants to force over 50s back to work. Never understood the term ‘economically inactive’ if you’re retired & pay your bills you contribute to the economy. If you’re on benefits & pay your bills you contribute. What does ‘economically inactive’ really mean?

RT @JewSoc
Indeed. Labour should continue doing all it can to entice those coming from National Action, Patriotic Alternative, and Britain First. Perhaps manning the Channel with gunboats will finally prove Labour have laid the antisemitism accusations to bed once and for all.

RT @_Jack_Graham_
I hate these people so much. They are the slimey dregs that coagulate at the very bottom of the emptiest, coldest, darkest, most infected region of the human soul.

RT @Jacxdad3376
If this photo does not upset you in the slightest, you've disqualified yourself as a human.

Review of "The Terraformers" by Annalee Newitz - @annaleen

A most exciting, unique, quirky, and creative read. Newitz magnificently builds a world tens of thousands of years in the future that both transgresses ours and resembles it in many ways. I didn’t expect a novel oriented around terraforming a planet for a private corporation to contain the multitudes that this book does. It raises compelling questions of personhood, interspecies relations, love, sex, property, capitalism, colonialism, labor, autonomy, posthumanism and more, all while being hilarious and endearing. There are poop jokes and moose romances; rebellions and mutual aid. It’s hard to say more without including any spoilers. As my partner told me, “The more you explain this book, the more I feel like I’m on drugs.” I’d strongly suggest you read it yourself.

@bookstodon #bookstodon #books #review #reading #scifi #sff

RT @AllyFogg
Good morning. There is no crisis of asylum seekers invading Britain in dinghies. Transgender people are not causing anyone any discernible problems. There are however very real & desperate crises in cost of living, wages and a broken economy that they don’t want us to talk about.

RT @RedJohnBounds
Tories deep in the shit so time to start bashing refugees again.

"Who should work at home, and who should return to the office? Companies are turning to personality tests for help."

No. Stop it. Cut it out. Please have the honesty to say "I overpaid a consultant for some lightly warmed phrenology to help justify our bad HR policies."

The NYT is trying to give me aneurisms.

People who have escaped from the worst terrors in this world should not be risking their lives again to claim asylum in the UK. There is an effective and compassionate way to stop small boat crossings and save lives. Watch & share this video

RT @RepAdamSchiff
Key takeaways from the Fox News scandal:

They fired people for telling the truth.

Hosts like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity pushed election fraud claims they privately knew were absurd.

For Murdoch only the money mattered.

And the biggest scandal:

No one is surprised

RT @embedded_iot
If you have a duty to make WhatsApp messages public does that also extend to monetising them and maximising the impact by releasing them in small “tranches” of damage? And should other “journalists” not comment on this?

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