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I've just seen all sorts of posts about the autonomy of the Ukrainian people and how "we" should respect it, by not using phrases like "fight to the last Ukranian".

Where were you in 2014 when then VP Biden spent $5bn overthrowing the democratically elected government?

They need to bring back the death penalty for companies. How can you run a company the way they are running PG&E and we just accept it. They just sit on top of infrastructure that was built a century ago, let it rot, fire all the workers and pay all the income they get out as dividends and the state just lets them do it.

This country is toast. Seriously. No one with any decision-making ability has any plans beyond six months ahead.

RT @KatyMontgomerie
Some idiot GC says this every month and it's just as privileged, pathetic and racist every time

RT @unionlib
If only media organisations gave as much space to survivors of sexual violence as they do to this one woman who has been sent to prison for false rape claims today. Around 85,000 women a year in the UK experience sexual assault. That's nearly 10 every hour.

A reminder to non-Americans: assigning Pi Day to 22nd July is not only more accurate than 3.14 (22/7 is 3.14285), it's also more likely to annoy Americans.

The argument against regulation is always the same: “It stifles growth and jobs.”

But just as tax cuts for corporations and the rich have not trickled down, regulatory cuts have not benefited most people.

Big companies enjoy bigger profits, but working people bear the costs.

RT @Normanjam671
I was a drug abuser from the age of twelve when I started with solvents, until seven years ago.
I used every sort of drug imaginable during that period.
I never once scored drugs of an asylum seeker.
Suella Braverman is telling lies comparable to Trump to dehumanise refugees.

Ok folks, this meeting is on 21st March at 7.00 pm via zoom.

Eventbrite has been amended to suit.

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Well, arch monopolist and alleged asshole may have had something to do with bank collapse. Colour me surprised.

SVB collapse: Peter Thiel’s role scrutinized as spark of bank run

RT @NoirMJ
"When you are subject to right-wing pressure, you should resist it, stand up to it & don't pander to it."
Are you for real? @campbellclaret
Your boy Blair became Murdoch's errand-boy!
Remember when you got your wife to take Putin's children on the London Eye?
You resisted nowt!

Thread - a very important one, given the nonsense people have been spouting recently. Fascism is capitalism's last gasp, trying to protect itself.
RT @docrussjackson

There's much about that is largely hidden from us in Britain.

ideas prospered politically only when perceived economic threats increased their appeal to members of certain social groups.…

RT @medialens
Classic Guardian take:

Diplomatic editor @patrickwintour describes the illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq as 'a blunder'.

It was no mere 'blunder'. It was the supreme international war crime.

RT @dtmooreeditor
welp, lineker's back on the air. another nail in the tories' coffin. it was a stupid fight to get into: there was never any reward in it, only risk, and it played out about as badly for them as it could possibly have.

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