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RT @Nurseborisbash
@KEdge23 Mate, you've just listed the Tory's achievements 🤭

RT @jasongorman
My reply to someone promoting the use of Copilot and GPT-4 as the cure for all our software engineering bottlenecks.

RT @Nurseborisbash
@Mike_Fabricant I could accuse you of running around my village naked with a cat on your head.
Doesn't make it true, does it?

RT @Nurseborisbash
@tomhfh What about the families who has to say their last goodbye to their loved ones over zoom?
You know, the ones who followed the rules.
No blurred lines. Just gut wrenching grief.

RT @embedded_iot
One wonders if the leaders who oversaw the MET with Cressida Dick (who should have been dismissed after De Menzies, not promoted in my view) and who now refuse to accept the institutional aspect of their failures, are the right people to fix these problems?

I mean, Black people here have been saying this since the fifties *at least* - pretty striking that so much of the public at large is only now catching up in light of recent events.

#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi

If you enjoy threads like these, you might enjoy my new book, The Press Gallery -- a collection of 500+ newspaper clippings on themes from everything blamed on the bicycle (and jazz and the tango and bobbed hair, and...) to how complaints that nobody wants to work anymore go so far back that maybe nobody ever wanted to work.

Unbound in London will publish this book -- they work by taking pledges to cover initial costs of the book. Pledge here to make the book a reality:

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RT @simonharris_mbd
Hi there. My name is Simon and I’m currently getting my reach restricted by Twitter because I have controversial opinions. If you see this Tweet, please like it and RT to spread the word.

RT @MikeStuchbery_
"You fuckin' what, they cured TB? Almost everyone can read? I can breathe? There's plentiful, nourishing food? Jackasses get paid to talk bollocks about my era?"

RT @LeftUnityParty
Labour’s popularity in the polls simply reflects the level of dissatisfaction with the Tory government at that moment in time.

We need a party to put forward radically different policies that people can really get behind.

RT @medialens
Now that it doesn't matter to power, the BBC estimates half a million dead in Iraq. A Guardian op-ed: 'A million lives later, I cannot forgive what American terrorism did to my country, Iraq.' Contrast with the complete silencing of dissent on the US proxy war in Ukraine.

RT @docrussjackson
Here's the truth about broken which our cruel Govt & the tax-avoiding billionaire-owned press are deliberately concealing from us, & trying to distract us from with their grotesque & divisive small boat obsession.

Thanks to @BBCRosAtkins & the @BBC team.🙏

RT @DoubleDownNews
The Iraq War is one of humanity's Greatest Crimes.

20 years on, not a single political leader has been held to account

RT @RedJohnBounds
@Britain_People A fucking moron thinks a fucking idiot could lead the country.

RT @raphaeldogg
Breaking: Leader of party with no actual politics says the same things his party's been saying for seven years. Again.

RT @TweetForTheMany
The Conservatives have just recovered much of the polling lead Labour had in the last six months

We need strong transformative policy commitment not vague “missions”.

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