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2 stick figures
1 says "We need to pay bankers more to attract top talent"
Other replies "So shouldn't we pay doctors more to attract top talent?"
First walks off red faced

RT @jasongorman
Had a couple of approaches from people asking "Should I bother to learn programming?" My best guess is that reports of the impending death of software development as a profession are greatly exaggerated. Just steer clear of the folks giving out the the Kool-Aid. As always.

RT @RedJohnBounds
@DavidLammy @UKLabour Wow. Highest tax burden in decades and Labour will freeze council tax. Fucking hopeless.

RT @Normanjam671
Or they could try taxing the rich.
Just an idea.
Labour again attacking the poor, rather than those with money who don't pay their fair share.

Right - just rewired my guitar with Fishman P90s, that have a complicated wiring loom.

Worried I may have not been thinking carefully enough and the wires will all cross and look a mess.

As long as it works ...

RT @hatemachine1187
Starmer already has form for organising and accelerating crackdowns and harsh sentences for people caught up in outbreaks of protest (protests caused by the lethal actions of the police). And has signalled his antipathy towards Climate protest. This is not a "human rights lawyer"

RT @hatemachine1187
What do we think will happen under Labour when there are demos to resist forced eviction and detention of undocumented people? When those communities organise resistance in solidarity with their neighbours? As in Glasgow

That will be "zero tolerance for those who tolerate crime"

RT @RedJohnBounds
@jessicaelgot Becoming Tory to beat the Tories isn't beating the Tories.

RT @NoirMJ
"My party is better than this brand of gutter politics"
--David Blunkett

Not familiar with the entire recorded history of your own party then, David?🤔

Parties with a plan to fix things do not resort to this behaviour, but this is all the Labour right knows how to do. Tories might say dreadful things about their opponents, but when do they launch co-ordinated campaigns against individuals like the Labour right?

The 'culture wars' have reached our shores. And as seen globally, the folks in Ireland banning books are the same ones who cry about free speech & censorship. The irony is lost on them, of course, because put quite simply, they're dumb as fuck. Their fears and desperation are being manipulated in the most nefarious ways.

Peter Thiel, 2009: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

Presumably he was referring to the freedom of oligarchs like himself to be unconstrained by taxes and regulations.

In this narrow sense, he’s correct: Oligarchy is incompatible with democracy.

Folks in other countries who say they don’t care about US politics have clearly not considered what happens next if the proud owner of the world’s deadliest military goes full-fat fascist.

(They might want to ask their friends in countries that have tasted the semi-skimmed version.)

#facism #usa #us #uspol #republicans

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