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"Don't make me think" is only half of the story.

It's a #UX sin to assume that your app is the most important thing in your user's world, and add to their cognitive load unnecessarily. But sometimes the user *is* focused on your product. They don't want a low-touch, automagic experience. They want to be in control. Let them.

Don't *make* me think - but *let* me think.

This is part of why "reduce friction" is misleading. Friction is texture. Without it, there's nothing to grab on to


Elon Musk's fortune, which ultimately enabled his takeover of Twitter, has been padded by billions in subsidies and contracts paid for by American taxpayers.

Just in case anyone needed that reminder.

capitalism will really take away every luxury it boasts in the name of profit

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RT @RedJohnBounds
This is a yoga class. No children are forced to partake in religion in mainstream UK schools. But you can't grift from that.

RT @Normanjam671
It was the Austerity that The Economist backed all the way.
Disingenuous journalism.

RT @docrussjackson
Either Liz Truss, numerous other @Conservatives & the right-wing "news" media aren't aware of the circumstances that led to Churchill & others lobbying for what would become the ECHR, or - much more likely - they are perfectly aware of them.

RT @WasOnceLoved
Is there anyone out there who doesn’t think Liz Truss is a galloping loon? Does anyone take her seriously?

RT @raphaeldogg
When you and I said this, beginning several months back, centrists exploded, spouting reams of dubious facts. Nice to see the cat finally out of the bag.

RT @BeckettUnite
Rishi Sunak, together with his wife, is worth £730ml. He made his hundreds of millions as an investment banker. Moving money, creating nothing.

He now describes Doctors demanding £19 an hour for saving lives as ‘unreasonable’.

It’s disgusting.

RT @CraigMurrayOrg
Devolution is a trap.

It leaves you fighting desperately to mitigate Tory austerity, and ultimately you will always fail because the basic fiscal and monetary framework is set by London.

Then you get criticised for failings they cause.

Independence is the only answer.

RT @WelshLa86864840
Keir Starmer “ will freeze council tax and energy bills for a year paid for by a wealth tax” Rachel Reeves “ I have no intention of introducing wealth taxes when in gov” Who to believe?

RT @Normanjam671
This country is run by the same elite that have been running things for a thousand years.

It's just occurred to me

Starmer's "support the government" stance during the pandemic allowed all of the corruption and the PPE scandal etc. to carry on without being challenged

His steamed pudding approach cost lives, because no-one held the corrupt to account and they carried on. Same with the £32bn "moon shot" (more like "arse wipe') project.

He let them get away with it. It's worse than the corruption itself.

He sat on his hands while people died. I think this is far worse.

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