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Yes, @frasernelson is actually claiming that @fullfact -and others who point out falsehoods from politicians and the media - are a threat to free speech.

Glass Cliff Theory holds that once the boys network have decided a CEO job is too hard or the company unsalvageable THEN they give it to a woman. And when she fails they blame it on her.

So if/when Space McAfee boasts about appointing a female CEO to Twitter, remember that.

More on Glass Cliff Theory from the university of Exeter here:

Warped hallucinations are indeed afoot in the world of AI, however – but it’s not the bots that are having them; it’s the tech CEOs who unleashed them, along with a phalanx of their fans, who are in the grips of wild hallucinations, both individually and collectively. ... These folks are just tripping: seeing, or at least claiming to see, evidence that is not there at all, even conjuring entire worlds ...

While the country kids itself that we have all come together for a royal celebration there are still people more concerned about how they feed their families. People concerned if they can keep a roof over their heads. Lots of people thinking I have to sleep on the streets every night, so why the fuss over a few royalists camping out to get a glimpse of the king.
My kind of patriotism is making sure we have a fair society and the vulnerable are cared for. #SocialistSunday #KeepFightingFascism

I’ve deleted Facebook and Twitter back off my phone. They’re designed to give you that serotonin rush and you end up, not paying attention to things and people you should be paying attention to. Mastodon doesn’t do this.

RT @RussInCheshire
I never really minded the royals. Didn't even think about them. They're a soap opera I don't watch.

But if you wanna turn a "don't know" into a hardcore republican, spend £100m on a farcical party for a bored billionaire while people are starving, then arrest anyone who tuts.

RT @helenmallam
No, this is exactly what Britain is and this is what the British police are. It’s just that it didn’t affect you before, so you didn’t notice.

RT @jasongorman
Happy Ignore A Hereditary Billionaire's Taxpayer-Funded Hat Wearing Party Day, for all who celeberate

The other thing about the billionaire gets a gold hat. Trope is that the gold hat is covered in stolen gems. This is something that people need to be aware of the empire was thievery on a grand scale. It’s reckoned that something like £3 trillion was taken from India alone.

RT @JamesSm71937524
If,as Sir John Curtice suggests, Labour are doing particularly well in Brexit voting areas doesn’t that confirm that the 2019 result was less about Mr Corbyn and all about Brexit, something Starmers mob have long denied.

RT @gabundy
It is *insane* how completely the 2017 General Election has been erased from the minds of the melt media and political class. Utterly unhinged behaviour. Real-time historical revisionism.

RT @EthicalRenewal
@lisanandy I didn't. Who would put their faith in turncoats?

RT @ShihabSJoi
@SmithAnscombe From who? Who's got your country. The Tories. Yeah, we'll give you a hand

RT @jayrayner1
Do we now have a law banning the undermining of celebrations? Is their now a custodial sentence for making a scene? I wasn't planning to go and shout abuse at the procession, but threatened over-reach like this really does bring the expletives to the tip of my tongue.

RT @Nurseborisbash
@trussliz Are you for real?
A few quid off a council tax bill can't make up for the catastrophic damage you did to our economy.
Hard working people can't afford their mortgages because of you.
You've got absolutely no shame.

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