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Heretical opinion

Never really like Rush

Think they're a poor imitation of a Genisis/Yes cross without the musicality

@ryanhoulihan What about making us forget Jeff Bezos. He must still be supervilla-ing while we’re looking away.


"acute COVID infection is likely the least of our worries." Thanks for sharing Great quotes: "We need to depoliticize COVID...stop with these political attacks. We need to come together and realize that long COVID is robbing people of their lives. They might be alive, may be existing, but they're not living...We need better public health messaging too..."
#COVID #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver

A reminder that this govt are privatising our healthcare without any mandate to do so.

- not in their manfesto
- not debated in parliament
- not challenged by media

This is an unelected PM profoundly changing our healthcare…

This is not democracy!

I see a lot of depressed people say “oh I feel so bad, I’m such a burden on the people in my life.”

And, yeah, you are. You’re absolutely a burden on someone. I am a burden. We are all of us a burden. And that’s ok.

My kids are young and for a lot of my time with them they were helpless blobs. They have been so much work! They have made me tired, they have made me sick, they have made me worried, they have spent my money, they have punched me in the junk. Don’t let anyone sugarcoat how hard it is to be a parent.

And I would do anything for them. I would die for them. I love them more than anything and would do it all over again, gladly, a thousand times.

It’s ok to be a burden. Literally every human being is, at some point, a burden on someone else. All of us need help almost all of the time.

Because we take care of each other.

David Graeber once noted that we’re fragile biological beings who die without each other. It’s ok to be a burden. Be a burden. And take care of someone else when they’re a burdens. It’s the only thing we can do, really: take care of each other.

It’s ok.

As this weekend's #doctors #strike enters is 2nd day, you will be unsurprised that the issue is essentially what counts as a 'credible offer' on pay & conditions; #RishiSunak & #SteveBarclay think what they have offered is 'credible', the #BMA (and doctors) don't agree.

If I'm asked to choose between the #Tories & #healthcare professionals' view of what is 'credible' in the #NHS, you'll forgive me if I dismiss the Tory position, based on their engineering of the #NHS crisis in the first place!

I didn’t know about this, I thought the way the British treated India was bad, but this takes the absolute biscuit.

Why might Africa want France gone?

Sobering, but there is a way through

For Bread: on capitalism's global food crisis via @ProlekultFilms

I'm wondering if we need to change GTTO - Get the Tories out - to GATO - Get all Tories out - including the red ones that want to carry on privatising the NHS.


Nothing says "Science should be free of gatekeeping and special interests" like trying to move #ScienceTwitter to #BlueSky, an invite-only proprietary service run by tech billionaires 🤷

#BSky #AcademicChatter #science

My thoughts on a new left party in Britain

What we always had

If we always do what we always did, what do we get?

Updated my server to the safe version - that took a while to find the time

Now I need to see if I can work out how to upgrade Ubuntu because it won't

Hi folks

I might be off mastodon for a while. There's a security vulnerability I need to patch so I'm stopping the machine for a while.

Does anyone think that message has made its way to Calais? Syria? Albania? Anywhere else refugees are coming from?

"Don't go to the UK. They covered up a painting of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Children aren't welcome there".

What on Earth was Robert Jenrick thinking?
And how cruel and inhuman do you have to be that you make life just a little bit worse for unaccompanied refugee children?

If he can be that sadistic towards them, how would he treat your kids if he could get away with it?

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