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Looking for work so just spent a few hours on LinkedIn. Wish I hadn't deleted my profile because too many people were ringing me some years ago.

Putting all my jobs back in is so tedious. I have a memory of loading a CV straight in years ago but that seems to have gone by the wayside.

That's the problem with getting ancient, there's just a lot of stuff.

Hey folks, I've seen a lot of talk going around about adblockers lately. I worked in the advertising technology and security industry for five years and the one core piece of advice I have is:

Holy fuck never give an advertiser your data. You cannot believe how bad it is. Don't. I run three layers of ad block protection and I'd run more if it was feasible. If you want to support creators give them money.

Petition to increase NHS funding for gender dysphoria treatment. This would address the decades long waiting lists in some areas.

Please sign if you're a UK resident or citizen.

@cstross I expect Trump's most precious artwork is a print of dogs playing poker which he insists is the original.

Please, remind your right-wing friends that they can kill the woke virus by microwaving their phones on high for seven minutes.

I dunno why everyone's frothing about the 20 speed limit. All the selfish fuckers are doing 50 in the 30 anyway. Or tailgating those of us who actually do the limit.

Enforcing the exiting limit would make things much safer without all the messing about.

Moderately amusing

I was writing an article for my Green Plenty substack and thought I would try the dictation software on my Macbook

"Capitalist" was being rendered as a capital S

Which made the text read a bit oddly

I think we really missed an opportunity a couple of years ago when we didn't call NFTs “grift certificates”.

@flexghost No we just got to the point where people like Musk, Brand and co were getting more regularly exposed so they no longer pretend to hide who they are. We are now in the era of "what you gonna do about it prole"

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’
Goldman Sachs analysts attempted to address a touchy subject for biotech companies, especially those involved in the pioneering “gene therapy” treatment: cures could be bad for business in the long run.

#medicine #pharma #business

@CoachMark We've done a lot of different ones. A few of my favorites:

We took turns lying face down on the ground with a spilled bucket of the good candy, we told the kids that's what happens to kids who stole candy and said they could have it if they wanted to try and get it. We gave them candy anyway, so they had to decide how brave they were. Little kids didn't give a fuck and would go pick up a few pieces and even poke the body a bit and be on their way, older kids would either not even try or would be terrified, we'd spook them if they got close.

We did Spooky Christmas a few years ago, decorated the garage like Christmas in a haunted house, my Brother dressed like murder Santa. You had to go tell Santa what you wanted to get candy. The best part was once again Little kids aren't afraid of Santa, even if he's carrying a head. In fact, they were so excited they wanted to hug him and sit on his lap and the whole deal. It was adorable.

When facing the "All we need is STEM!" approach to education, my usual response is:

Developing the vaccine was the STEM problem; distribution & getting shots in arms was the Social Science problem; getting people to trust it & combatting misinformation was the Humanities problem -- which did we fail?

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Green Plenty

This is the companion community to the Green Plenty substack