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You think the perfect job doesn't exist.

But Samuel L. Jackson has made over $300,000,000 from his 150+ movies.

He says around 2000 words per movie, that comes to about $1000 per word.

"Motherfucker" was 1116 of those words.

Therefore Samuel L. Jackson has made over 1 million dollars for saying "Motherfucker".

That's the kind of job we would all aspire to.

“Asked whether there were ‘any changes to the President’s policy toward Israel and Gaza as a result of yesterday’s strike,’ White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre declared, ‘[n]othing has changed.’

In an earlier statement … White House National Security spokesman John Kirby asserted, ‘We make no bones about the fact that Israel is going to continue to have American support for the fight that they’re in to eliminate the threat from Hamas.’”

#israel #genocide #usa

Jesus Christ, this is utterly horrific:

During the early weeks of the war they were permitted to kill 15 or 20 civilians during airstrikes on low-ranking militants. Attacks on such targets were typically carried out using unguided munitions known as “dumb bombs”, the sources said, destroying entire homes and killing all their occupants.

“You don’t want to waste expensive bombs on unimportant people" said one intelligence officer.

#gaza #palestine #israel #genocide

Thank farq that's over

I fucking hate npm JavaScript library management. I thought Ruby was bad, but hell fire on a shitty stick.

2½ hours of my life I won't get back.

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Incredibly tired today

I think the clock change plus being asked to do the impossible with too few resources has done me in and I can't even start today

However, if I don't get going then a few people won't have jobs in a month or two, including me.

Folks, I’m going to ask you to please consider that over 31,000 people – including over 13,000 children – have already been murdered by Israel in the last handful of months before stating that the person from your own country that was just murdered by Israel is your red line or the point where you think Israel’s genocide has finally gone too far. I really need you to understand that Palestinians are people too.

#israel #palestine #gaza #genocide #WCK #ethnicCleansing #apatheid

@francis @Thebratdragon @bobjmsn
I read for the 1st time this morning that Penny Dreadful will lose her seat. Excellent way to start the day.😂

@bobjmsn lets be honest, if the polls are even close to accurate, it will be a shallow pool of candidates after....

Here's a Q. for you.

Does the spat between Peter Mandelson & Angela Rayner over Labour's 'commitment' to workers' rights look a little staged to you?

Mandelson argued that Labour should be careful about reviving workers' rights without full consultation with business;

Rayner 'hit back' saying his comments are like the 'squealing' of businesses over the introduction of the minimum wage.

All a bit too convenient when Labour is being accused of cosying up to business?

#politics #workers

"...I recommend this job to anyone who is looking for a dynamic, fast-paced work environment."

OK listen. Doll.

NO ONE is looking for a dynamic, fast-paced work environment in 2024. We are exhausted. Get in your DeLorean and take that attitude back to 1984.

Given chatGPT and the other AI nonsense is the equivalent of an enormous predictive text box. How does anybody know that “summarising academic papers” isn’t just making shit up?

oh snap, i accidentally started spreading misinfo, and someone else is also spreading misinfo, so let’s clear the air here:

vultr has not changed anything recently, and they do not claim full pepetual commercial rights over hosted content.

this is a post made to drum up bullshit over terms that existed since 2022, and did not pertain to the content you hosted on their VPSes. for reference, the account that made this post was made 5 days ago.

i found this out because when i went to send an email to close my account, they sent this back, which clarified that no, this information is bogus. and that, regardless, the lines are being removed from the ToS to clarify things.

@DrALJONES These articles are missing a zero on the casualties. The Palestinian health ministry puts out only hospital confirmed deaths. All the hospitals are now part of the rubble and so is the record keeping system. The low numbers make it look like the US backed abuses and atrocities are not so bad.

"Crucially, the state has increasingly become a commissioner and regulator of services, rather than a provider – a hollowed-out state rather than a smaller state."

Cancelled my recurring donation to the Wikimedia Foundation. As others have pointed out, they're rolling in money, and I've come to dislike their hands-off editorial stance, with editors deleting content by and about women, their continued publishing of the exact location of Aboriginal cultural sites leading to damage by trespassers, not to mention their idly standing by while French Wikipedia deadnames trans people. They can go away and think about their moral high ground without my support.

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