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On June 21, 1877, the authorities hanged ten Irish miners in a single day in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Known as Black Thursday, or Day of the Rope, it was the second largest mass execution in U.S. history. (The largest was in 1862, when the U.S. government executed 38 Dakota warriors). They convicted the Irishmen of murder, and accused them of being terrorists from a secret organization called the Molly Maguires. They executed ten more over the next two years, and imprisoned another twenty suspected Molly Maguires. Most of the convicted men were union activists. Some even held public office, as sheriffs and school board members.

However, there is no evidence that an organization called the Molly Maguires ever existed in the U.S. The only serious evidence against the men was presented by a spy, James McParland, working for the Pinkerton Detective Agency, who provided the plans and weapons the men purportedly used in their crimes. The entire legal process was a travesty: a private corporation (the Reading Railroad) set up the investigation through a private police force (the Pinkerton Detective Agency) and prosecuted them with their own company attorneys. No jurors were Irish, though several were recent German immigrants who had trouble understanding the proceedings.

Nearly everything people “know” today about the Molly Maguires comes from Allan Pinkerton’s own work of fiction, The Molly Maguires and the Detectives (1877), which he marketed as nonfiction. His heavily biased book was the primary source for dozens of academic works, and for several pieces of fiction, including Arthur Conan Doyle’s final Sherlock Holmes novel, Valley of Fear (1915), and the 1970 Sean Connery film, Molly Maguires.

My novel, Anywhere But Schuylkill, tells a truer story of these union miners and their persecution by the Pinkertons.

You can read my complete article on the Molly Maguires here:

#workingclass #LaborHistory #MollyMaguires #union #Pinkertons #coal #mining #police #racism

Normal Island News

Iran plotting unprovoked attack on country that bombed its embassy
This would be a huge act of aggression

There is outrage in the west that Iran might be planning an unprovoked attack against Israel after the IDF bombed its consulate building in Damascus on April 1, killing two generals and five soldiers. Tensions have been high since Iran refused to apologise for overreacting to Israel’s April Fools' prank.

#NormalIslandNews #IranIsrael

i see nothing has changed in the past 20 years:

2004: windows pcs are plagued with random unwanted popups
2024: windows pcs are plagued with random unwanted popups

actually there is one difference difference, in 2004 it was considered malware, and in 2024 it's just how windows works


My first question to those who cheer such stupidity:

Which rights and freedoms would you like to be unprotected?

My second question:

Are you content with the UK having the same status in respect of human rights under international law as Belarus and Russia?

People cheering the Govt’s talk about leaving the ECHR is like little pigs demanding the wolf legislate for dwellings to be made exclusively of straw.

When a business or executive is described as laser-focused, your visual model should be that of a cat chasing the meaningless dot of a laser pointer until exhausted.

My entire adult life, the messaging from most politicians, echoed by media, has been urging austerity. Even when reporting surpluses.

Meanwhile the rich get astronomically richer, aren't taxed enough (or sometimes at all), are not made to pay back what they've stolen, etc.

It's remarkable how effective the messaging is in getting us to fight over crumbs instead of taking the resources meant for everyone away from the few greedy people who are hoarding them.

Just in case you missed it, the lack of testing means there is no coherent way of deploying code you know works to the best of your knowledge. When you’re in this position you’re fucked and the repository branches are a joke because they’re not locked down.

Just before I arrived they spent one individuals time for nearly a month stabilising the previous release.

I wanted to make it work but I’ve had enough now.

Deploying by hand using Docker Swarm to 15 different machines is just not me.

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7. Docker
8. The promise of an eventual bonus is useless unless it’s in the contract

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Things I should know by now for perm roles:

1. If I have to provide my own laptop they can’t afford me.
2. If they dumped testing to “go faster” more than a year ago run away
3. If the original team was 5+ and now there’s 2 run away
4. If a wet behind the ears comp sci bod wrote a custom engine to manage all the domain context logic run away
5. If the app framework version is so crusty you can’t run it native and have to debug at a distance through docker run away
6. I should avoid MySql

3rd day of nasty cold. I give in and get up because easier to breathe with head in upright position. Tap has stopped running in nose and replaced by concrete sinus instead.

So tired but I might manage some work today.

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Green Plenty

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