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There's rumors that the Guardian in the #UK is looking to interview #trans teens/young adults on the topic of DIY HRT.
If this is true, do not under any circumstances talk to them or engage.
To be clear, these are only rumors; but The Guardian in the UK is horribly transphobic and it is completely within their character to attack DIY HRT options to further their anti-trans agenda.

Getting better at this 715


Not even 24 hrs after making history as the first company to mass fire workers for pro-Palestine protests, by summarily firing 28 people, Google announced that the “(ir)responsible AI org,” the one they created in response to firing me, is now reporting up the Israeli office, through an SVP there.

Seems like they want us to know how forcefully and clearly they are backing this genocide.

Google went from “don’t be evil” to “help commit genocide or you’re fired”.

Fascists have been scraping and doxxing leftists who use Discord for the past year.

Discord just got even less safe with the release of this new scraping tool.

Stick to audited end-to-end encrypted messaging apps like Signal.

#Antifa #Opsec

Not too bad today 714


All the main parties in the UK, with the exception of the SNP and Greens, seemingly hate young people. They are effectively robbing young people of their future, all so a narrow subsection of older people can have larger bank balances. It's grotesque.
I hate to see what has become of the UK, and the sooner Scotland can gain its independence the better it will be for Scotland's youth

Better today 713


Quitte hard today 712


On June 21, 1877, the authorities hanged ten Irish miners in a single day in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Known as Black Thursday, or Day of the Rope, it was the second largest mass execution in U.S. history. (The largest was in 1862, when the U.S. government executed 38 Dakota warriors). They convicted the Irishmen of murder, and accused them of being terrorists from a secret organization called the Molly Maguires. They executed ten more over the next two years, and imprisoned another twenty suspected Molly Maguires. Most of the convicted men were union activists. Some even held public office, as sheriffs and school board members.

However, there is no evidence that an organization called the Molly Maguires ever existed in the U.S. The only serious evidence against the men was presented by a spy, James McParland, working for the Pinkerton Detective Agency, who provided the plans and weapons the men purportedly used in their crimes. The entire legal process was a travesty: a private corporation (the Reading Railroad) set up the investigation through a private police force (the Pinkerton Detective Agency) and prosecuted them with their own company attorneys. No jurors were Irish, though several were recent German immigrants who had trouble understanding the proceedings.

Nearly everything people “know” today about the Molly Maguires comes from Allan Pinkerton’s own work of fiction, The Molly Maguires and the Detectives (1877), which he marketed as nonfiction. His heavily biased book was the primary source for dozens of academic works, and for several pieces of fiction, including Arthur Conan Doyle’s final Sherlock Holmes novel, Valley of Fear (1915), and the 1970 Sean Connery film, Molly Maguires.

My novel, Anywhere But Schuylkill, tells a truer story of these union miners and their persecution by the Pinkertons.

You can read my complete article on the Molly Maguires here:

#workingclass #LaborHistory #MollyMaguires #union #Pinkertons #coal #mining #police #racism

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