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Back from holidays. Discussing possible job next week, so things looking better. Just need to unpack and wash everything.

@ChrisMayLA6 I hate to say it but, with (heavily subsidised) fossil powered electricity now neck and neck with (zero materials cost) renewable power, it’s time for the renewables industry to start outspending their rivals for influence in all its forms. I want to see wholesale and retail energy companies becoming conspicuous for things like arts and sports sponsorship — if only so that there is greater perception that these companies (investing billions and earning the proceeds of 30%..

Never mind 758


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is less than 5% of his income, so good job paying less than half of what everyone else does.



It's not just one thing. It's the cumulative effect. It's Gaza. It's the homelessness crisis. It's the cost of living crisis. It's cops getting more money and killing more Black people than ever. It's the indifference to ongoing COVID deaths. It's the SCOTUS. It's watching the country sink into a theocratic fascist mire. It's the "what, me worry?" attitude and the speeches that always come up empty. "Give me supermajorities in both chambers of Congress and I'll think about it." Fuck you, man.

We came up past the cairn for the Blind Piper and didn’t see this on the way up. Pretty spectacular.

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"The era of fossil fuels’ dominance is coming to an end.

For every dollar that goes to #FossilFuels, an average of $3 needs to be invested in low-carbon energy over the remainder of the decade – up from parity today. A fully decarbonized global energy system by 2050 could come with a $215 trillion price tag – not an insignificant amount, but only 19% more than in an economics-driven transition, where the Paris Agreement goals are missed and global warming reaches 2.6C."



Tricky 752


@ChrisMayLA6 Labour? Commit to something? A squadron of pigs is readying itself for take off.

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