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This is hilarious in a bad way

If you sack them, Sunak, who is going to do the job when no-one wants to do it already?

Pay them properly, sort out the chronic lack of resources, and sit down, fool.
RT @acgrayling
Sunak Proposes Laws To 'Sack Teachers And Nurses For Going On Strike' - HuffPost UK

RT @Heccles94
A country where you cannot strike.

A country where you cannot protest.

No, this is not North Korea, this is the plan for Tory Britain.

RT @LakotaMan1
Why does the Catholic Church, who facilitated the largest theft of Native lands not pay taxes. But Indigenous communities, who’s lands were stolen, do?

RT @AlexandraErin
"Dress how you like, call yourself whatever you want. We don't care what consenting adults do, we're just out to protect children." as an obvious lie on the route to legally mandating trans people out of existence.

RT @anon_opin
If we genuinely kept politics out of sport, then there would be no such thing as a national team.

RT @simonmaginn
Bracing for the 'unleashing' of Starmer's 'left-wing' policies' that do not involve spending money.

RT @FlyOnNo10Wall
We’re going to pass legislation on small boats and to curb strikes. We’ve already passed laws to restrict protest and make it harder for young people to vote. I think this tactic, making things we don’t like illegal, can be taken further. We should make not being Tory illegal.

Indigenous spaces have no desire to be void of other cultures.

It's not the Native way.

Nothing inherently wrong with being a white person of European descent. There are great people of all cultures, American/European included.

It's the colonizer culture that doesn't know how to be a guest, in equal coexistence or share.

Colonizer culture has to take everything, displace everything and control the whole world.

#Decolonization #Landback #DigitalLandBack #InstanceBack #Native #Indigenous #NDN

As you might have read today, #Adobe is doing really bad stuff (

Fortunately there are many projects you can follow on here which are providing free open source alternatives:

➡️ @darktable - Photo software which lets you organise, view and develop raw image files

➡️ @Krita - Professional digital painting & 2D animation app

➡️ @kdenlive - NLE video editing software

➡️ @inkscape - Vector illustration software

➡️ & - 3D animation and special effects

RT @SaulStaniforth
Rachel Reeves is promising a stronger, fairer economy. The same Rachel Reeves who last month wouldn't even say if Labour would offer the nurses a better pay deal than the Tories are offering.

RT @SocialistVoice
The NHS is failing because it is not public enough

Right-wingers use today's NHS shortcomings to argue that a public health system does not work – but its failings stem from decades of pro-market reforms

RT @shaun_vids
got no time for ostensible leftists who sit on the sidelines declaring 'the left' should be doing this or focusing on that. if you're part of the left, get on it

Today, I realized that maths problems are the only place where someone can buy 60 watermelons and no one wonders why.

My GP surgery just sent out a message saying all non-critical care has been suspended until further notice. Is this the sunlit upland? Best not get ill.

RT @AstraKernel
Gall's law

👉 A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked

👉 A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a simple working system

Over the break my MiL said she found it really annoying to have to pick the Aubergine (Egg Plant) from shop bought Moussaka ready meals.

I'm still laughing (but to myself).

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