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RT @revpaulwhite
My car broke down last year - the clutch gave out.

I tried passing a law making it illegal for my car to stop working, tried suing it, tried arresting it and tried sacking it.

Turned out that I needed to spend money maintaining and fixing it.

Who knew...

RT @medialens
Benjamin Abelow's 'How the West Brought War to Ukraine' is a vital corrective to 'mainstream' misreporting of the Ukraine war. The e-book version is just 59 pages long - a must-read.

People don't understand how hope works. It doesn't come from downplaying scary truths or from false optimism. Everyone sees through that. Instead, it comes from hard work, from solidarity, from courage. Hope comes from joining together and doing something. Hope comes from action.

RT @CleallPeter
Starmer has broken yet another promise – maintaining his perfect betrayal record – by abandoning his pledge to scrap the hateful & cruel Universal Credit system through which the Tories have inflicted years of misery

RT @JJHTweets
The British Pound lost 20.9% of its value globally as a result of the Brexit Frauderendum result. Currently €1.13 per £.

Half our food is imported.

So what you used to be able to buy for £1 now costs £1.21

That's why UK has worse inflation than others.

Prices have already gone up and corporate profits are the highest they've ever been

Wage price spiral my arse

Price wage spiral

RT @doctor_oxford
Pls don’t let the govt gaslight you into thinking it’s ‘normal’ for patients to be dying in their droves at home, in ambulances, in corridors, in cupboards. Excess deaths are 26% higher than usual. This isn’t normal, it’s grotesque.

A humanitarian crisis, yet Sunak does nothing.

RT @LeftUnityParty
Freezing the tuition fee cap at £9,250 a year is supposed to be a good-news story, but it's approximately £9,250 a year too much for the majority of British people.

We want an equal society where every person is entitled to lifelong education. We would scrap all tuition fees.

RT @Nurseborisbash
The NHS pay review body IS NOT INDEPENDENT.

Rishi Sunak doesn't care about patients on NON strike days: the days where we have 1,000 excess deaths EVERY WEEK.

Great thread, particularly if you want to understand why the Western financiers don't like China
RT @KyleTrainEmoji
In 1916, Lenin called imperialism the highest stage of capitalism.

In 1965, Kwame Nkrumah said that neocolonialism is the last stage of imperialism.

Both are obsolete. Since 1990, we’ve been in a new, even higher stage.

A 🧵 on debt, finance, the US, the Arab Spring and China.

RT @caitoz
Western Journalists Are Cowardly, Approval-Seeking Losers

"The western media class is a cloistered, incestuous circle jerk that only cares about impressing other members of the cloistered, incestuous circle jerk."

RT @eiecampaign
“The anti-strike law won't improve public safety – it will put the public at risk. It’s going to drive even more staff out of frontline services.”

- @Taj_Ali1 exposing the government’s latest attack on workers

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