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Turns out the existence of an "alpha" wolf is a myth.

It was based on old/bad experiments, conducted when unrelated wolves were thrown together in captivity.

In actual wild wolves, packs are just families. There's no dominant alpha battling for the top spot -- and in the rare cases there is, it's an alpha *female* wolf.

Insert obvious implications for the use of this term in human societies.

Oh look. It's another one of those things that Team You're Overreacting swore to me was totally not going to happen after Dobbs:

RT @PhilipProudfoot
Keir Starmer’s Labour has kicked out 60+ left wing Jewish members. Do you have any comment as to whether this constitutes antisemitism? And if not, why?

RT @LIndependents
Solidarity with @CllrMariaToolan who has left @LiverpoolLabour and will stand as an Independent in the May elections.

Read her account of life in @LiverpoolLabour.

It is illuminating.

RT @AmraWatson
Isabel Oakeshott is professional right wing shit-stirrer and one of the biggest representative of every kind of rancid prejudice, and yet she is rarely off the BBC Politics Live.

Like I told you; it's got nothing to do with belief. These folks are literally post-belief.

It's about power. And that statement works for every type of nazi; from the street thugs, all the way up to Pete Thiel and the boys.

Never, ever, ever assume the things a fascist tells you are true, or take them at face value. Fascists do not value truth. They value power. They will say whatever they have to, to win; and even when they speak truth, it is ALWAYS with ulterior motives.

RT @unionlib
Lee Anderson claims to see his constituents who go to food banks three times a week in McDonalds. He's in parliament in London four days a week. Is he just spying on his constituents for the other three... or as I suspect, is he just a lying piece of shite?

The difference between Scott Adams and Charles Schulz :

“I believe that our greatest strength lies always in the protection of our smallest minorities.”

— C. Schultz (1970)

#scottadams #dilbert #cartoon #comics #BlackHistoryMonth #blackmastodon #BlackFedi #humanrights #activism #Monday #SilentSunday #quotes #politics #news #love #hate

RT @embedded_iot
Absolutely expected, and blows away all the useful idiots calling for support of that establishment tool . We need a real party representing the people of this country. We need @jeremycorbyn

RT @RedJohnBounds
Listening to the English media, one would be forgiven for thinking that the DUP was the most significant party in NI.

Just ...

In short: the automotive sector has filled our cars with surveillance gear, but that data is only reliably available to commercial data-brokers and hackers who breach Big Cars’ massive data repositories. ... Big Car says that giving you control over your car will result in your murder — but when a child’s life is on the line, they can’t give you access to your own car’s location.

RT @RedJohnBounds
British food inflation is at 17.5% but it doesn't fit the narrative so not a big news story.

RT @bullshitjobs
It's fascinating just how much devastation this "central banks, debt, poverty and jobs" nonsense has been allowed to cause.

Random people and a random belief system. None of it has anything to do with an economy. Just lots of jobs, mind-boggling inefficiency and a dead planet.

"Everyone can be in the wrong, everyone can be lying. NATO’s aggression and expansionism doesn’t turn Putin into an innocent little lamb. And Russia’s unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine doesn’t absolve NATO of its responsibility in producing the conflict."

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