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Thinking we need to steal a term from the Republicans, of all people, RINO. It means Republican in Name Only, as in you once didn't want to murder poor people and blame immigrants for your inadequacy but still claim to be a republican.

We need LINO, Labour in Name only, as in you wouldn't willingly do anything to help the worker class and will line up behind their enemies without even hesitating.

#USA #NATO #EU is destined to destroy countries, even if they pretend to help them.

I was watching Happy Valley and just decided I didn't need any more misery in my life

Started watching The Consultant - it starts interestingly enough but then I remembered I have a whole pile of books I want to read to work on my ignorance about things that actually matter to me.

So doing that.

RT @helenmallam
Cathy Newman’s been attacking the messenger again, and while it’s true Oakeshott is a hard right ghoul who always acts solely out of self-interest, that’s not the story of the WhatsApp leak.

Our government wasn’t too bothered about us getting sick and dying, that’s the story.

RT @MichaelRosenYes
The way it works is this: people who own capital can stop investing or take their investment away or withdraw it but the govt say that people shouldn't be allowed to withdraw labour.

Let's be clear: America's “moral crisis” isn't about pregnancies, contraceptives, or which bathroom people use.

It's obscene CEO pay, wage theft from workers, Wall Street gambling, money corrupting our politics, and the failure of those with power to serve the common good.

Of I remember the year right my mum would have been 99 a couple of days ago.

RT @Biennial
Beautiful views of the Northern Lights over Antony Gormley's 'Another Place' earlier this week😍⁠

To find out more about 'Another Place', head to the link below👇️

📸:Dominic Darvell (Instagram: @dominic_darvellphotography)

RT @LetsStopC9

A secret House of Lords organisation is found to have been collaborating with far-right activists for over a decade.

However, we won’t be expecting any condemnation from @SuellaBraverman as she is preoccupied attacking Muslims again...

RT @DoubleDownNews
Social Media Capitalism is Destroying Your Mind @johannhari101

Thread, long, about Boris Johnson and the UK's COVID19 response.

TLDR is: Johnson is borderline-innumerate to the point of confusing percentages and fractions and got his information from the newspapers. And six months into the pandemic he'd neglected to educate himself about the scientific basics. And a lot of people died as a direct result of his misbegotten policy decisions.

RT @helenmallam
UK Labour is now the party of ‘funny-tinge’ racists, paid apartheid lobbyists, Murdoch puppets, ex-bankers, anti-socialist propagandists and undemocratic, slimy bureaucrats.

The establishment got what it wanted.

What now?

RT @RedJohnBounds
Killing people in nursing homes was no big deal but the idea of killing cars has the right wing media in a frenzy.

Turns out the existence of an "alpha" wolf is a myth.

It was based on old/bad experiments, conducted when unrelated wolves were thrown together in captivity.

In actual wild wolves, packs are just families. There's no dominant alpha battling for the top spot -- and in the rare cases there is, it's an alpha *female* wolf.

Insert obvious implications for the use of this term in human societies.

Oh look. It's another one of those things that Team You're Overreacting swore to me was totally not going to happen after Dobbs:

RT @PhilipProudfoot
Keir Starmer’s Labour has kicked out 60+ left wing Jewish members. Do you have any comment as to whether this constitutes antisemitism? And if not, why?

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