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RT @kennardmatt
The truth about Keir Starmer is ugly. But he’s been protected for too long.

It’s way past time to expose who this dangerous, amoral individual really is. Before it’s too late.👇

RT @PeterStefanovi2
Jacob Rees-Mogg can’t contain his excitement at the Governments latest post Brexit trade deal - by now even Larry the cat knows he’s talking complete boll***

RT @brookebay21
@CllrNickSmall That's not what these official figures show. Are you lying again ?

RT @ShihabSJoi
Tories operate like tabloids by controlling public outrage. One week they'll convince nation trans predators are in every loo, next, every hotel is full of migrants, next, grooming gangs are out to get YOUR daughter, next...And so the fear mongering goes to keep masses distracted

RT @docrussjackson
What could better represent conman Donald Trump than a fake photo of a fake President surrounded by fake people?

RT @Ladyblues666
@UKLabour Litter picking? Must be local election time.

When are the posts on potholes due to kick in?

While kids go hungry and the elderly die of hypothermia Labour campaigns on rubbish (literally and figuratively).

RT @RedJohnBounds
If you become the Tories to beat the Tories, you haven't beaten the Tories.

@Popehat Great to see this part: "As a rule, crimes mostly committed by rich people have daunting intent requirements, crimes mostly committed by poor people are easy to prove."

I imagine you're getting tired of saying it, but I appreciate you mentioning it every time. It's such a subtle stacking of the deck and it took me a while to appreciate how important it was, especially with chaos fountains like Trump.

RT @TweetForTheMany
Only 1% of rapes go to trial, this is because of massive cuts to the judiciary service.

The Tory party have effectively decriminalised rape - but have now criminalised peaceful protest.

99% of rape accusations - do not go to a court trial!

RT @RedJohnBounds
@danwootton @MailOnline With 16m in poverty, a failed Brexit, food inflation at 17%, £21bn lost in fraud and a corrupt government, this seems really important.

RT @RedJohnBounds
Large correlation between those lauding Lawson and those who told us what a fantastic budget Kwarteng and Truss introduced. It's almost like they know fuck all about economics.

RT @unionlib
Solidarity with the NEU who are fighting both the Tories and Labour as it turns out.

RT @Ladyblues666
@Keir_Starmer @labourwhips Instead of treating symptoms why not treat the cause?

Child poverty, poor education standards due to underfunding, lack of youth services including MH services, low wages and gig economy.

No more hobby bobbies, train, retrain and properly vet police officers.

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