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I've seen other terms, but I use the label "fossbro" to refer to a set of toxic attitudes which through their vocalness defines the software freedom movement to those outside it.

* Ableism, thinking everyone should have the skills & desire to modify their software.
* Entitlement, thinking they're the entirety of the community a FOSS project may wish to serve. Harassing you if you e.g. reduce the visibility of configuration options.


RT @RedJohnBounds
@tracieo41096854 Funny how the far right give a fuck about homeless people only when they can use it to attack immigrants.

RT @TheAuracl3
Welp. What Klint is saying about his granddad is what just about every white person with racist relatives has said: it’s not just racism handed down from a bygone era. It is active radicalisation and no one else in the family wants to or is equipped to deal with it.

RT @Nurseborisbash
The same people who think that woke is an insult, also think the victims of bullying are snowflakes.

I'm shocked.

RT @RedJohnBounds
@sales_belinda If you have to become the Tories to beat the Tories, you haven't beaten the Tories.

RT @Normanjam671
I'm chronically ill and bedbound.
It isn't benefit fraudsters causing me to not have enough money to live on, it's a political class that doesn't fucking care.
This is the Minister of State for Disabled People playing at being a police officer.

RT @Ladyblues666
@nazirafzal @mettlesome_teri What of Starmer's bullying of his 'friend' and colleague Jeremy Corbyn?

Or is it just Tory bullying that offends your sensibilities?

RT @jasongorman
Seems to me like gov't agencies, media outlets, news orgs etc couldcollaborate on a 3rd-party system of social media account verification and technology companies and OSS communities could work on API protocols and client s/w that takes TW etc out of the loop completely

RT @AndyPeacock999
Frightening disabled people to stop claiming benefits, to kill themselves, to live in fear?
This is fascism.

RT @ShihabSJoi
@DWPgovuk @VotePursglove You sick twisted out of touch bollockbags may you rot in the sewer we flush you into

All the folks putting on the tin foil hats because there's going to be a test of an emergency warning system. Calm the fuck down.

Get angry about the right things. This isn't one of them. People doing their jobs and testing a system designed to warn you of danger are not your enemy. This smells like Daily Mail paranoid nonsense.

RT @embedded_iot
Must be awful to have your blue tick go and no longer be able to feel that you're better and more real than all the proles. 😢

Mark Zuckerberg is an ineffective, incompetent, and directionless executive, one bereft of complete or concrete ideas. He has entirely failed to innovate since the very beginning of Facebook — a product that he never envisioned as a business — and nearly 20 years later, he appears completely and utterly out of ideas.

RT @Phil_Free_
“Marr—the recipient of Chomsky’s disdain all those years ago—still claiming to be independent & then, in the next breath, Richards explaining that Ian Hargreaves absolutely told him what to write.”

A wild ‘no one tells me what to write’ - @brokenbottleboy

RT @MannieMighty1
Dear centrist pricks.
If you want to vote Labour, go ahead and vote for the fuckers. Stop asking me who you should vote for, if you've got no intention from deviating from your shit plan. Just don't expect any form of societal improvement. This is how they've planned it. Mugs.🙄

RT @keepnhspublic
Remember when the govt is telling staff their pay demands are ‘unreasonable’

The same government was happy to pay Deloitte staff £6000 A DAY to set up a test and trace system that ‘largely failed to meet its targets’

They think we’ve forgotten

We haven’t.

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