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Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a "war against terrorism."
-- Noam Chomsky

#anarchism #quote #bot

What is #Eurocentrism? A few ways to think about it - not based on specific reading, just my thoughts. Feel free to add!

- #Eurocentrism is talking about “European values” as self-evidently good, without stopping to think where that idea comes from & what it says about you and your knowledge of attitude to the rest of the world

- #Eurocentrism is being a white European living in Europe, never thinking about colonialism and how your comfort & wealth, your morning coffee, derives from it

"I feel caught up in a political parlour game played by lunatics, with incredibly high stakes, that I do not consent to being a part of."

Guide Dogs UK has a very important announcement for anyone with tattoos, a beard, an unconventional hairstyle, etc. You are needed to play with puppies.

"We’re issuing a national appeal for volunteers with distinctive characteristics to help socialise the next generation of guide dogs. Our new research shows that 1 in 5 (20 %) of dog owners revealed their dogs have shown signs of fear or confusion when encountering unfamiliar physical attributes."


It was overwriting the permission and owner for the new log file and Docker didn't fall over, just stalled the app writing the same error message over and over


So when I checked stuff was arriving in the new logs it looked like it was



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Guess who turned on log rotation and brought down the machine he was trying to stabilise?

Annoyed with myself about that

I'm taking a few weeks off FB and Xhitter because they eat my life

I want to make things that make me feel better instead of filling my head with nothing

I'll still post on Mastodon a little, because it's not designed to make me into an addict.

1978: “We made sand think!”
1993: “We made sand think faster!”
2007: “Wow, that’s some quick sand!”
2024: “We made sand hallucinate!”

Recent news on Angela Chao 

RIP to Angela Chao, who accidentally reversed into a shallow pond in her Tesla. She called her friends to help, and they arrived. But... none of them knew how to open the doors.

This shouldn't have happened.

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Study, LLM, racism, hypothetical death penalty discussion 

AI models found to show language bias by recommending Black defendents be 'sentenced to death'

Link to the damn paper:

Ooo. Company just called I applied for.
Them: We'd like to get you into a round of interviews!
Me: GREAT! How many interviews?
Them: There are six
Me: Oh, Three interviews are my max.
Them: *frustrated* You don't get to decide that.
Me: Oh, but I DO. *click*
Back to #pascal programming :) Fight back #tech bros! Fight back.

I wrote a poem back in 2018 called "Darling Albion"

Next time someone says I'm anti-British I will send it to them and they probably won't get it.

I see rich 'non doms' are angry at Jeremey Hunt stealing Labour's policy to end the tax break... and some are now threatening to leave the county.

To my mind this is a bit like squatters complaining to a landlord that the imposition of rent means they will leave & find somewhere else to live...

I say good riddance to them if they don't want to contribute taxes to the maintenance of a country that due to their malign influence is falling apart.

#taxes #JeremyHunt

If seeing Biden both facilitating genocide in Gaza and destroy public health, allowing Covid to cause a mass disabling event, isn't enough to show how dangerous Vote Blue No Matter Who is, I don't know what will convince them. Right wingers are dangerous regardless of whether they have an R or a D after their name.

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Green Plenty

This is the companion community to the Green Plenty substack