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Disabled people are not ok. The pandemic has turned society against us (even more than before).

People were quietly ableist before. Now they’re openly hateful.

It was hard to access healthcare before. Now it’s impossible.

It was lonely before. Now it’s a pit of despair

It’s been an incredibly difficult 4 years for disabled and vulnerable individuals. We’ve had to endure terror of knowing we will be triaged out of medical care if system is overwhelmed, have DNRs forced on us & are witnessing aggressive expansion of medically assisted death

We’ve watched as the world clamours to get “back to normal” while completely leaving us behind. We are told to “just stay home” because people don’t want to push for clean air initiatives and can’t be bothered to mask.

Even in hospitals - the one place we have no choice but to go - masking is not required & you run the risk of being labeled difficult or anxious for requesting a HCW mask in your presence. We’re expected to just go along and risk our health & baseline for the comfort of others

When we speak up - we’re shouted down by people who are utterly convinced that the pandemic is over and there’s no risk. We’re told we’re wrong, exaggerating, hypochondriacs or worse. We endure endless trolling & criticism for just wanting to survive.

It didn’t used to be like this. Ableism has always existed - but it was never as aggressively in your face as it is now. People are experiencing trauma from Covid… and rather than cope with it they seem to be lashing out at disabled individuals.

I don’t know if it’s because many mitigations were sold as a means of protecting the vulnerable - or maybe it’s just because we represent a reality people can’t face.

That health is not a permanent state. That Covid is not over and that anyone can become disabled at any time

Whatever the reason - the result is the same. A society that treats disabled people as “less than”. That wants us out of sight & out of mind and that won’t do the bare minimum to protect us. That look the other way when we tell them eugenicist policies are going to end lives

It’s exhausting and terrifying and sad. I’m tired. We are ALL tired. Yet so many of us spend whatever incredibly limited energy we have continuing to advocate for safe public spaces, safe healthcare and an end to eugenics. We fight for equality. And we need allies.

Please remember this the next time you’re entering a public space without a mask. Or tempted to mock a vulnerable person for wearing one. Or accessing healthcare. If it’s easy for you access care - try and imagine how scary it would be if it wasn’t.

Try and have compassion and empathy for people who are different than you. Try and face the difficult truth that one day you too will be disabled - and when that day comes you will want to be treated better than we are currently being treated.

I promise you it’s far easier to advocate from a position of health & strength… so join us. Be our allies. Listen & believe us when we tell stories of unsafe spaces, eugenics and discrimination. Help us change things so that everyone will be better off. /end

#Disability #DisabilityJustice #Eugenics #Ableism #DisabilityRights #WearaMask #ChronicIllness #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #sarscov2

even in the least charitable characterization of Hamas, the situation would be akin to a kidnapper taking a hostage for ransom and the target killing and maiming dozens of people in the kidnapper’s neighborhood in “retaliation” while disregarding attempts to return that same hostage

the charity of evangelical christians is, like everything else, based on their worship of power.

hence, scaled up to nations, also the christian and secular nonprofit industries around the globe. "free clothes"—but not a free clothing industry under the laborers' own control. "free food"—but not to feed one's own community outside of the global marketplace. etc.

it is important that these individually impoverished people and nations continue to worship the twin gods of the white christ and white capital. Because they cannot be trusted to do it of their free will, these people will have to be kept on the edge of utter ruin to be threatened away from ever stopping the worship extracted from them

To quote the excellent Richard Murphy

"Reform has failed. I think it has two seats. It is doing nothing like as well as UKIP did. It is annoying the Tories. It is giving racists and headbangers something to do. But it is not winning support. Its only real achievement seems to be to keep the Greens off the BBC."

I was introduced last week to the concept of an “accountability sink”; a structural technique for saying “the rules/tools/processes made me do it” and therefore avoiding accountability. They aren’t universally bad but booooy is AI going to create a lot of them in bad places, like (checks notes) killing civilians.

Doing well and the mid left section caught me out 730




Well, well, well, one of the 'clarifications' offered to businesses by Labour's watering down of its New Deal for Workers, is to allow zero-hours contract to continue (despite a commitment to ban them completely) of workers choose them;

cue, off-line (verbal) pressure & 'incentives;' to adopt zero hours contracts 'voluntarily'...

Clueless about employers methods!

If Keir Starmer was trying to build trust in an incoming Labour Govt.,its not workers' trust that he is interested in.


i need a job so badly

this month is my last chance

im a software developer with a decade of experience who needs a remote position, please reach out if you can offer something

edit: wow! i really wasnt expecting this to be actually seen by people! i have replies asking for a more detailed list of skills, so:

Rachael's mini-resume

I am a senior software engineer in the US with 10 years of professional experience. I am seeking a fully remote position. My previous job of 6 years was built around PHP/Laravel on the backend and Typescript/Angular on the frontend. A typical LAMP stack. As a senior developer I was often responsible for the planning, delegation, and execution of projects, and also had a key role in gathering requirments. I was also responsible for database administration.

Languages: PHP, Typescript, Rust, C#, Java

Assorted list of various tools and buzzwords: Linux, Windows, SQL, MySQL, git, Azure, REST api, JSON api, GraphQL, Node.js, npm, Angular and AngularJS, Material, Laravel, Lumen, SASS, RPA, UiPath, AWS

Leadership ability: Had ownership of projects, and regularly led a small team through the entire design process, from requirements to maintenance. Worked in a quarterly Waterfall pattern. Gathered requirements from users, created a list of stories/tasks to complete, and discussed among the team how we could best divide and accomplish the project. Communication is key, and I am always in communication with the teammates on what's getting pushed and what people need help on. I never treat the project managing role as being a superior, I talk to the team like fellow humans and offer help and receive help, free of any judgment, to create an open environment where there is no reason for team members to be afraid to voice their struggles.

I am most interested in a Rust position, but am open to anything and have the most experience in PHP/Typescript.

Thank you for reading.



All #Democrats had to do was apply pressure to their own administration about #Israel but they were so afraid of #Trump they would not criticize Biden, and look what happened. Biden is going to lose the election, people are horrified. This is what happens when thinking people apply a cult mentality. It will be worse under Trump for you, but it is already so terrible for so many under Biden, they simply won’t vote. #uspol

I can truly see the case for assisted dying. But the horrific state of the NHS makes me question if it is the best idea | Rachel Clarke

#dying #life

Gets big bowl out to make breakfast porridge

Gets dog’s breakfast ready

Realises dog food is in porridge bowl

Toasted bagels for breakfast then



I'm a Tenured College Professor. I'm Quitting. Here's Why.
by Jessica Wildfire

"Most of my professor friends can't support themselves. That includes the fancy tenured professors, even at nice schools. They have sugar mamas & sugar daddies. They're married to lawyers and bankers, or IT managers. If they're like me, they've got a secret side hustle.

Here's an irony:

My university forces everyone to disclose outside income. So if you have a second job or a side hustle, you're technically supposed to report it. You're supposed to ask them for permission. They can say no.

That's right, the same university that gave me a chocolate bar for a raise also says I can't take on a second job to support my family. They're worried it would distract me from all the free work I'm doing for them."

The headline of Gaby Hinsliff's piece this morning in the Guardian says it all:

'if we run out of teachers, who will teach our children?'

The crisis in our schools is not just an immediate problem of education but will have impacts across the generations.

We needed to have sorted this out long ago, but the toxic impact of Tory education policy has undermined, disempowered & compromised the teaching profession to such an extent we're now in crisis

#teachers #education

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