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Maybe I’ll manage to get some sleep now

On Monday, the Scottish NHS are going to revoke the right of trans people in Scotland to self-refer to their gender identity service. They will have to convince a GP to refer them.

No clinical reason has been given. No trans people have apparently been consulted. We only know because this information was leaked ahead of time.

If you’re thinking of a referral to a Scottish GIC, do so TODAY.



I now know more about cookies in iOS than I ever wanted to. But my Turbo Native view still isn't reloading when I restart the app.

It also looks like the feature that's supposed to store shared cookies has some kind of bug ... tomorrow me's problem.

Think I’m better in the morning 825


Samsung just debuted a solid-state battery with a 600-mile range & a 20-year lifespan. It charges in ... 9 minutes. 😳

Liberals: we have no idea why the plebs are voting for the fascists… Maybe it’s our messaging. Darling, pass the Dom Perignon, won’t you… I must write a social-media treatise on this post-haste.

“Nazism was a movement built on its ability to bring together the forces of the right. The party had achieved this remarkable balancing act by appealing to as many prejudices and obsessions as possible; they embraced antisemitism, anti-Marxism, Völkisch romanticism, Nordic mysticism, atheism, anti-capitalism, eugenics, and colonial imperialism. The result was a wild and at times unstable mix of traditionalism, conservatism, and radicalism. Colonial imperialism was one of the more important of these political strands, and while campaigning at the ballot box, the Nazis skillfully exploited the nostalgic longing for the lost colonies to great effect.

Even after coming to power in 1933 and dismantling the democratic apparatus of the Weimar state, it is remarkable how acutely sensitive to public opinion the party remained. Despite the totalitarian nature of Nazi rule, the party machine, oiled from a decade of electioneering, was primed to keep its disparate support blocks moving in the same direction, constantly assuring each of them that their particular concerns and preoccupations were at the core of the party’s programme and in the forefront of the Fuhrer’s mind.”

- “The Kaiser’s Holocaust: Germany’s Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism” by David Olusoga and Casper W. Erichsen.



Remember, if a boxer ‘hitting too hard’ was wild we’ve yet to get to the track and field events where lots of non-white non-stereotypical competitors maybe seen running too fast and jumping or throwing too far. Wild!

@ChrisMayLA6 I long ago decided that Suella Braverman was one of the most dangerous and toxic Tories. It seems that even her colleagues have finally reached the same conclusion!

So @pluralistic is giving a talk in Defcon on: "Disenshittify or die! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification."

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