Billionaire CEO says unemployment 'has to jump' to put 'arrogant' workers in their place.
Capitalism is a death cult. It's capitalists vs everyone and everything else. There's no compromise. It cannot be reformed. The possibilities for "what do we do instead???!?!?!!???" are endless.
I'm going for a walk.
Adding to this 6 weeks later.
Quakers aren't allowing anti-trans orgs to hire their venues, refused permission to anti-trans entryists who tried to start a "GC Quakers" group, no longer stocking a book by a Quaker author because they are anti-trans on social media and they're actively blocking anti-trans people from their social media sites.
I updated Mastodon a while back but I'm running it on an old Linux and the version of the graphics processor ImageMagik was too old, so I installed it from source to get it working.
But it wasn't.
It also needs libraries for PNG and JPEG to be installed to work.
I need to migrate it to a new Linux but also have a life
But if you were wondering that's why my profile picture wasn't working for a while.
How rice crisis will spread hunger worldwide
More #political #hypocrisy:
So, the #WorldBank has been happily supporting #fossilfuel business via trade financing even as it claims it is pushing for a #greentransition.
Somehow, the #energy firms keep getting their fingers into the pot of state (and global) economic support... its almost like they had good connections & were effective lobbyists.
Anyone who thinks shifting to alternate #energy sources will be easy might want to look back to #tobacco for the fossil fuel playbook!
It's hilarious that some folks think a secret group of rich people control everything instead of the widely known group of rich people that control everything.
That would be marvellous.
My machine has versions of things that are too old and it runs everything so I'm loathe to update it without a lot of prep.
I will DM later, have a domain and everything, just no time or brain.
Temporarily went with tockify
Which does the job for now. I like the look of mobilize though. Just running on too few brain cells at the moment.
Ukraine Gets Depleted Uranium Munitions, Mexican SocDems Make Progress, Indonesian Laundering Bust
Anyone who tells you that the rich are not getting richer at the expense of the poor and middle class is lying or uninformed. Anyone who seeks to lower taxes for the rich is on the take of the rich.
Anyone who tells you that the rich are not the biggest polluters hastens the destruction of life on earth.
The ugliness of UK political decision making Ministers are proposing cuts to the benefits of a million vulnerable people currently considered unable to work. They want to force them into work. This week I have shown how to raise more than £35 billion of additional tax in the UK, all from wealthier people. There is more to come. So we don't need to penalise people unable to work, at all. That is being done by choice. This is the ugly side of UK political decision-making.
No to merging Liverpool hospitals. Come to the demo on 7th October
@zimpenfish That looks well worth an investigate, TY
Hi folks
I want to create a publicly visible calendar for activists in my area
Can't find something lightweight and suitable because there's a whole pile of solutions.
Has anyone got something to recommend? I'm happy installing software and running stuff on a server. Just too many choices and a lack of bandwidth to go through them.
I graduated in 1987 in Applied Statistics and Computing
⅓ of the cohort were women
I dunno where that clown was looking
• Spending £10bn on making schools not terrifying death traps: nah.
• Spending £22bn on restoring the Palace of Westminster: sure!
They’ve lost the plot.
Send them a signal they’ll never forget.
@bobthomson70 Even their own advisors have told them to ditch their "fiscal rules" - which are made up anyway.
It gives them an excuse to do nothing though. Unless we can get a very loud movement demanding things get better they will sit on their hands.
Francis. Old guy in the corner. Socialist, maybe even a (shock) Marxist. Can't stop writing. Musician. Coder for over 30 years.