@somcak I hope you don’t have to wait a week for pain relief!
Have a New Year Chill on me, https://soundcloud.com/birkenhead-blues/ambient-chill-42
@lovelylovely ah yes, that "freedom": the "freedom" to deny other people their freedom
For the sake of empathy, I ask you all to take a second to consider things from the perspective of Conservatives:
Inflation is out of control. Housing is unaffordable. The healthcare system is broken. Everyone is drowning in student debt. Ecosystems are collapsing. We're constantly on the brink of war.
So naturally, one would ask, how can we even hope to solve these daunting and complex issues if we do not have detailed information on the genitals of every American citizen?
Ddespite occasionally admitting that #profits & imports might be contributing to #inflation we're back to the tired old narrative that its #workers are to blame.
The Bank & economists in the City of London are still talking about #wage rises being 'worryingly high' (not their's of course) and so we cannot expect #InterestRates to go down any time soon!
Given profits have 'recovered' but real wages remain below pre-2010 levels, I think its fair to say this is about cementing low-wage Britain!
Hey tootverse
I have a problem with xtrabackup for MySQL. If you know anyone who can help ...
Q. as #rents in the UK start to increase at a much slower rate (projected to continue into 2024), have we reached 'peak rentier'?
Are #landlords finally finding they have reached the limit of the money they can extract from household expenses?
If so the #Tories have served the rentier class well; when people can afford no more rent, the landlords have reached the optimal level of profit;
the social price is penury for the renters, but offers a good income for Tory MPs & their landlord chums!
@grayface_ghost what you say is true when it’s reduced to a bunch of stupid ceremonies that nobody understands the reason for. What you describe as the way you work is what it’s supposed to be.
@bobthomson70 Lots of hits means lots of misses. Misses mean you get fired by the monez.
@bobthomson70 @cstross @Richard_Littler
I think it's about attempting to guarantee a return, this means very little new is risked, unless it's stuff like Sandman, or twee stuff that's cheap to make.
I might be starting to get the hang of this ...
#CellTower 578
(Still takes me ages)
Current streak: 18
Francis. Old guy in the corner. Socialist, maybe even a (shock) Marxist. Can't stop writing. Musician. Coder for over 30 years.