@angusm @cstross @pluralistic have you seen Dark Star? Where the bomb has to be talked out of blowing up and changes its mind later.
To me, the most frustrating thing about capitalism is not that it exploits everything and commodifies everything and then, ultimately, turns all those things into trash.
The most frustrating thing about capitalism is that it has created such intellectual decay among most humans, that it is deemed as normal to accept that if something cannot be solved by the market, then it cannot be solved at all.
@Adam_Cadmon1 And given there still is systemic discrimination what they're actually saying is they're fine with it and don't want to be reminded.
BrewDog's decision to withdraw the real Living Wage for bar workers during the most acute cost of living crisis in a generation is outrageous.
Add your name: @FairHospitality @BrewDog @BrewDogJames https://www.megaphone.org.uk/petitions/brewdog-pay-the-real-living-wage
"ended very badly"
Yeah - the restoration starved millions and we now have an oligarchy waging wars on people.
Children born in that period have the markers of living through a famine.
They were promised the social net they had AND the western consumerism built on robbing the global south. Apart from the oligarchs they got neither.
Ghost seems to be the platform of choice, either self hosted or paying. Also if you self host you aren't giving 10% of your income to people you'd rather avoid.
I used it for my stuff because it was easy, and it meant people could follow and get an email when I posted something new. I never asked for money because I have enough and wanted to make sure the people who needed it were getting it.
I have a couple of posts almost ready to go but ...
Time to move, probably to something I host myself. It's just boring. I ain't gonna help pay any fash though. They get enough mainstream help as it is.
A lot of writers have been leaving substack because the investors are the kind of people who like to monetise fash content and used the notes feature to do that because freeze peach. Quite nasty individuals by all accounts.
It's interesting times time again
I had the Substack app on my phone and took it off because I didn't like waking up to misery, and the Notes section was abused by people commenting on popular posts they obviously hadn't read but they wanted you to read theirs, and nuts to that kind of selfish crap. Blocking people didn't seem to stop them posting at you and being annoying, either.
Brewdog releases new ‘Stop Complaining or You’re F**king Sacked’ IPA https://newsthump.com/2021/06/10/brewdog-release-new-stop-complaining-or-youre-fcking-sacked-ipa/ via
Entry for the All-Time User Interface Hall of Shame
@jaycee it’s not incompetence. It’s gaslighting.
Francis. Old guy in the corner. Socialist, maybe even a (shock) Marxist. Can't stop writing. Musician. Coder for over 30 years.