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@chrisgerhard you need to read some Varoufakis. Those benefits are mostly for the relatively wealthy.

@chrisgerhard My big fear is joining the Euro

In the current conditions a sovereign currency is needed to get us out of the hole

Re the assisted dying thing

In Canada disabled people are choosing death because they aren't getting the help they need

Think about it for a minute, with the current government's hatred of disabled people. Think what might happen in Britain.

Nationalising Thames Water will not in any way threaten the stability of UK financial markets Treasury sourced rumours that financial markets that nationalising Thames Water might cause massive upset in UK financial markets are deliberate misinformation intended to reinforce the Bank of England's policy of excessive interest rates.

@Radical_EgoCom @neptune22222 @starran and you’ve got housing cooperatives, food, credit unions. Syndicalism in general. Creating democratic dual power structures as a transitional move to protect and help each other. Learning how to do mutual aid.

It’s a completely different way of thinking from acting like a temporarily embarrassed billionaire we’ve had rammed into our heads for years on end.

Laws are never equally enforced or applied especially when you have tons of investors money. It is a sad reality.



@neptune22222 @Radical_EgoCom @starran

Without a well organised mass movement to take them on you’re going to get nowhere. That’s hard work, not wishing.

Our owners will not let us legislate them away. They smashed the post war social democratic consensus to smithereens. It’s done.

They’ve been free to do whatever they like for the last 50 years. You think you can put that blood soaked murder machine back in its box?

@neptune22222 @Radical_EgoCom @starran



Straw man.

Back in the 80’s my government put people in wheelchairs who were fighting for their jobs.

In the US you have gun battles and the murder of union activists in the early to mid 20th century, the civil rights struggle. More recently the mysterious deaths of the leaders of Ferguson. Now we have the suppression of the campus protests.

@neptune22222 @Radical_EgoCom @starran if anyone would like to do a reading group of the Engels text, DM me and let’s see if we can get something going.



I moved from Substack to Ghost, which was fine

I have some long articles and think it would be good to add a table of contents.

Edit the layout to add it in

In order to have a custom layout I need to move from the small tier ($9mo) to the medium tier ($25/mo)

I can't justify that, I don't have enough subscribers. I don't want to install Ghost on my own machine - pain in the ass.

Can't I just pay an extra couple of bucks?


And there's no-one to email, of course.

@neptune22222 @Radical_EgoCom @starran

I'm not gonna ignore this question, it's really interesting and useful to talk about. I will write an article to explain my position if you don't mind. This might take me a little while.

You're right, but there's a whole pile of things we need to think about that go with it.

Nearly 723


Shitty week. Tried to do a bit this morning and got social media sabotaged. Sleep for a bit, I think.

@Radical_EgoCom @neptune22222 @starran

be taken away, as we’ve had for 50 years of individualist neoliberalism.

Things are in a constant state of change, and the only way to fix it permanently is to take the capitalists’ toys away.

The Green Plenty stuff on my profile talks about this in more detail than I can fit here, fwiw.


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Green Plenty

This is the companion community to the Green Plenty substack