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From birdsite 

RT @embedded_iot
Wow. Can you imagine trying to negotiate with this fellow. What a weasel.

From birdsite 

RT @EdDavie
Finland outlawed fee paying schools and now has the world's highest performing education system and Europe's lowest income inequality

So how will people remember me when I die, That Vegan Teacher?

However people choose to remember me. One thing I can say for certain is that I won’t be remembered for being someone who harassed people purely for what they eat.

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From birdsite 

RT @PhantomPower14
Michelle Mone’s alleged involvement in corrupt PPE contracting could be just the edge of this. She won’t go down alone and this may be a Tory scandal that detonates the party, pulling Sunak in. The next General Election might be closer than we think.

From birdsite 

RT @tottinge
I sometimes wonder is "performance management" at some companies is really just "firing enablement."

It seems to help the company know which people to fire, when, and how to do it legally.

As a service.

From birdsite 

RT @SpeakingSatan
RT georgetakei: Conservatives were furious when a baker had to bake a cake for a gay couple. But now they want to force Apple to host content it finds harmful and dangerous?
Make it make sense.

From birdsite 

RT @PAL_Left
PAL opposes the privatisation of, or the transfer of existing public services, land or property to private ownership, or to social enterprises or ‘arms-length’ management organisations which are the first steps to their privatisation.

From birdsite 

RT @Thelma_DWalker
Over 2,000 followers just since this morning for our new @PAL_Left Twitter account.
Together we can change our world for the better
@BThroughParty @LeftUnityParty @FreeNorthNow @LIndependents

From birdsite 

RT @LeftUnityParty
Massive investment in clean energy is just common sense.

Renewables are nine times cheaper than fossil fuels and, well… renewable.

From birdsite 

RT @LeftUnityParty
Left Unity National Conference agenda, motions and amendments are all available on our website.

Join us this Saturday 3 December 2022 from 11am until 4pm (online).

From birdsite 

RT @LeftUnityParty
Anneliese Dodds says “no one supports strikes".

Well we do. RT if you do too.

From birdsite 

RT @thatbloodyMikey
The Hatred towards underpaid NHS & Royal Mail Staff, but not the bosses forcing them into foodbanks.. Honestly, this country has a sickness.

From birdsite 

RT @Normanjam671
Aspiration is the biggest con in politics as we all aspire for different things.

From birdsite 

RT @Lynneth1000000
@PoliticsJOE_UK Go to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect £400,000.

Today 70,000 UCU members begin historic strike action across every university in the UK.
Given we get pay docked and we all are experiencing a cost of living crisis we are not doing this lightly.

Stand with us.

#ThereIsPowerInAUnion #ucuRISING

"No-one wants strikes" is very different from saying "No-one supports strikes".


"ok. So you blame the government, you say you don't blame the nurses. So in a word, yes or no, do you support them walking out?"

Anneliese Dodds: "Well look, no one supports strikes"



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