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From birdsite 

RT @RedJohnBounds
Do you think he is thick enough to believe his own bullshit or dies he think we're thick enough to believe it?

The UK Govt should not be in power 

The situation in the UK is untenable. Our political system is severely broken , and unelected corrupt government should not be running this country or be in power.

From birdsite 

RT @DrProudman
We shouldn’t disproportionately focus on 1 trans woman who is a sex offender just as we shouldn’t focus on 3% of rape complaints that are possibly false. Why? It’s a whipped up moral panic. Trans women are more likely to be subject to sexual abuse than commit sexual abuse.

From birdsite 

It's not "wage price spiral" it's "price wage spiral".
RT @Rachael_Swindon
RMT’s Eddie Dempsey takes apart idea that giving people pay rises causes further inflation via @LeftFootFwd

When I was out walking on Saturday I slipped and landed on my left forearm near the elbow

It didn't hurt that much

Now it's aching at me

Bodies are weird.

From birdsite 

RT @Angry_Voice
@CWUnews He's paid over half a million a year, yet he needs to be told what to say?


From birdsite 

RT @josiahmortimer
The £6 billion hit to UK food bills in 2020 and 2021 was caused by Brexit jacking up the cost of imports - with price hikes hitting the poorest hardest, researchers from the LSE's Centre for Local Economic Growth said

From birdsite 

RT @Normanjam671
Where are you from, along with, and what do you do, have to be the most banal questions ever invented by the English.
What matters is who you are.


My Beatles-obsessed daughter decided to mark today’s anniversary of George Harrison’s death by trying to summon him to the school music room. It’s a Catholic school and they phoned me in horror to tell me. I may never stop laughing.


Maybe it's just me, but I think this very confusing term (that I still haven't seen a satisfactory explanation of) was invented because its coiners were afraid of using "dialectical"

Would you ask Richard E Grant which part of Africa he was born in (he was)?
Then why would you ask the same question of #NgoziFulani (she wasn't)?

From birdsite 

Wow, this will just bring all the advertisers running back.
RT @Esqueer_
It was only a matter of time before the EU stepped in. Much of the hate speech that has proliferated on here is illegal in much of the EU, particularly Germany. They weren't going to stand by and let hate speech proliferate without any guardrails.

This Tory Govt has had an absurd mental block over onshore wind for a decade. It’s cheap, hugely popular, can strengthen our energy security & help tackle #climateemergency. Pitting onshore against offshore is nonsensical & dangerous - we need both.


From birdsite 

RT @OwenJones84
The nonsense and untruths of @Nigel_Farage comprehensively rebutted


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