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Update the driver, I hear you say

Complex system is built and maintained using nix and direnv

So non-trivial and (bluntly) not my job


Create feature branch that runs with Firefox and use that to get tests working

Switch back

Commit tests (but not revert)

I have some Guinness in the fridge

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OK so

We changed our test subsystem to use Chrome cos it's faster and will tell us more about errors

Version of Chrome on my laptop doesn't work with the test driver

Several hours of fekking about I find a place I can download the older version

Remove, install, tests run

Automated security tool updates Chrome

Version of Chrome on my laptop doesn't work with the test driver

I need a beer

Seasonal Reminder !

The #SalvationArmy is not a #charity. They are an evangelical protestant church that uses donations to oppose #LGBTQ rights.

Give them NOTHING.

From birdsite 

RT @RedJohnBounds
The Tories - interested in patient welfare when nurses are striking but not when it comes to funding. Interested in the travelling public when rail strikes but not when private companies are failing.

From birdsite 

RT @MintPressNews
“I was a murderer…”

90-year-old Israeli laughs as he describes killing unarmed Palestinians with their hands up during the Nakba of 1948.

From birdsite 

RT @Normanjam671
@willgeorgelloyd I'm old enough to remember Lord Neil Kinnock promising that.

From birdsite 

RT @Normanjam671
The Labour Party, managing the expectations of the poor since 1900.

From birdsite 

RT @embedded_iot
@Keir_Starmer You’re a major part of why it’s broken

From birdsite 

Quote tweeting so you can read this properly on Mastodon
RT @simonharris_mbd
IMPORTANT. PLEASE RT. I’m seeing a lot of people in the UK copying and pasting a post telling people about a new suicide hotline on 988 - this number only works in the USA. The tweets below contain information I have put together for people in the UK who are feeling suicidal.

Thing with mandolins is strings being doubled up to make more noise, you need reasonable finger strength.

I can't do the speed or the bending I do on the electric guitar.

But the tuning in 5ths is really interesting, particularly when you realise this turns the chords upside down, which is weird but brilliant at the same time.

I have a side project to restring a short scale guitar in 5ths with a drone string or two, but haven't yet done much about it.

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Mandolin string broke so I decided to restring the whole thing.
Put medium gauge strings on, which is ok for playing tunes, but chords is hard. I have a set of light gauge strings, but the mediums have to wear out first.
If I'd done it the other way I'd never have put the medium ones on.
Sounds amazing though. Really loud, bright tone.
Dog not impressed.

So after deactivating my birdsite account I just need to copy the image that I had pinned there, because it's brilliant.

Go visit the author on Instagram, she's done a ton of them and they're all great.

From birdsite 

RT @PeterStefanovi2
2 million adults in the UK can’t afford to eat every day, millions are living in poverty & millions more can’t afford to heat their homes

according to @RishiSunak “the most pressing problem right now is tackling illegal migration"

From birdsite 

RT @josephattard02
Feels an appropriate time to remind everyone of this travesty.

From birdsite 

RT @PhilipProudfoot
The funniest defenders of Lady Hussey are the pillocks who think, "they ask me where I'm from at border control all the time!" is an actual argument

...aside from everything else, borders determine entrance into a country on the basis of nationality. So yes, they're racist too!

From birdsite 

RT @DrProudman
If people cared as much about ending violence against women and girls as they do about football, it would be solved.

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Green Plenty

This is the companion community to the Green Plenty substack